wanting to eat all the time

edited February 2012 in Ages & Stages
My little man will be 4 months on the 27th and I have to half breast feed and half formula feed. He usually gets his breastmilk bottles at night time and his first bottle in the morning. He eats 5oz breast milk at a time and same with formula. He wants to eat every hr and half still. I have tried feeding him more at one feeding to make him go longer without a bottle but he will barely drink the 5oz. Idk what to do bc he is eating all the time and I feel like I am over feeding him. He is already 15lbs and not quite 4mnths old. Any advice ladies and how much do all of your babies eat around this age?


  • My son is 15lbs at 3 month and he eats 4-5oz every 3-4 hours. Maybe you could talk to his ped about adding rice cereal.
  • Haha. My girl is 13 weeks and loves to eat! She is 13 lbs now and was d/c'd from the hospital at 6lbs 3oz. She eats 5-6 oz every 2 hours or so but sleeps through the night. I assume its a growth spurt. As long as they are active and have a good appetite I'm ok.
  • I'm in the same boat! My little man wants to be on my boob non-stop! I tried cereal but he wants no parts of it! Idk what to do either :( At his 4 month check up he weighed 15lbs exacty so he's gaining weight fine but he always asks so friggin hungry!
  • I give him rice cereal every other night then mixed grain every other night in between bc he gets constipated real easily. Im just worried he is gonna look like a little butter ball and be to obese. Im only 5ft and 120 lbs and we don't have obese ppl in my family so idk why im worried. Lol
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