to mothers with 6-7 month olds...

edited February 2012 in Food
How much does ur baby eat: formula, cereal, bby food, and possibly table food a day? Urgent informant needed before i go ape shit on my bd!


  • I have a 5 month old and she eats 1 container of 1st stage baby food, 2 oz of rice, 16oz of formula, and random breastfeeding throughout the day when shes fussy. I would guess she may get 10oz max breastfed. Hope this is helpful :)
  • my son is 7 months old. He drinks around 56oz of formula a day, then has 1 1/2 of the stage 1 baby food. I don't give him cereal anymore since it make's him constipated, but I do let him taste things I'm eating like mashed potatoes.
  • I don't know how much breastmilk he eats, but he eats every 3-4 hours. At daycare he eats solids for breakfast and lunch and breastmilk the rest of the day. At home on weekends I probably give him one thing of baby food/day.

    He is 7mo old. I don't feed much solids because breastmilk/formula should be main source of food until a year. However, he loovvess food.
  • I have a seven month old he eats a babyfood in the am and one in the pm, about four six ounce bottles with a scoop of rice cereal in each, and snacks throughout the day like yogurt or gerber puffs
  • Thank you everyone! @babyjoshiesmom @captivated @ericak22 @firsttimemommy0928
    The reason i ask is because i found out when my bd has our daughter he feeds her 2 jars of bby food at a time 'because shes still hungry.' And told me I'm getting mad over nothing and says 'you dont have to put babies on food schedules' which is obviously not true! Hes so dumb and all this b/s info keeps coming from his mother who thinks she was super mom raisin her kids(really the complete opposite if u didnt catch the sarcasm lol).
    i also need to find a way to trick him into signing primary custody over to me. Hes not smart enough to look into it, but his mom is veeeeery how should i say, book smart when it comes to custody and everything involved in it. But i suppose tht should be a whole new thread huh? Lol
  • Oh boy, good luck with that one. I just got done with a three year custody battle. BD is an idiot, but mother played him like a puppet and controlled all of the proceedings.

    I feed my 7 mo old 2 jars sometimes. He lets me know when he's done. :)
  • Tessa is 6.5 months and gets two 1 tablespoon servings of oatmeal and one 2 tablespoon serving of a fruit or veggie a day and the rest is breast milk or formula. We just started solids 4 weeks ago though and I'm taking it slow.
  • My baby is seven months old and he eats baby food with a spoonful of cereal twice a day. He drinks 20 to 24 oz of milk. I also give him snacks twice a day.
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