trouble with tummy time...

edited February 2012 in Babies
My lo one is 3 months and is still fighting tummy time. Once in a while he will be.content and will lift his head 45 degrees and sometimes will push a up on hands but not nearly as much as he should at this stage. No matter how mant toys or colorful mats, to me being down on his level... he screams 2 mins into it. Any suggestions??? Im worried what the doc will sat at his 4 month appt.... becausd at 2 month appt she just kinda asked if he was getting tummy time but didnt say much elss because she put him on his tummy and he didnt really do much starting to worry...


  • Do u just put him down flat on the mat it bed? If so try and put him on a bobby first then transition him to being flat again cause naliyah was the same way and this seemed to help her
  • My son was the same way...his dr and physical therapist both said that even if he fusses through it continue putting him on his tummy a few times a day for several minutes. He will be 4months on Sat and now he just rolls oto his back. He has started liking it...just keep trying:)
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  • My daughter is 4 months an still hates tummy time !
  • My daughter had it because I realized it was pushing on her big belly lol I put lots of cushion but still make sure it's solid enough she can roll
  • My girly is almost 7 months and still hates it... she stays longer now and scoots forward.... yesterday we left her even when she was fussing and didnt pick her up til she was in tears... i felt bad but she needs it
  • My LO hated it to. So e would only do it until he got upset multiple times a day. Eventually the time got longer that he could stand it. Now he is 5 months and rolls over if he gets tired of tummy time. Don't worry your LO will get used to it! I suggest not doing it until they are super upset because then your LO will equate bad emotions to tummy time and it can backfire on you.
  • Thanks ladies, I will try multiple times a day and just keep doing thw different positions.... hopefully I wont have to take him to physical therapy.
  • I have an almost 4 month old and she was the exact same way. I was told by multiple mommies and did a little research and found out that your baby may not NEED tummy time, in the sense that forcing them to be on their tummy may be unecessary. As long as they are strong enough to hold their head up on their own/push themselves off of you while holding them upright, I was told, instead, to lay her flat on her back on one of those baby mats with the dangly toys and let her figure out how to roll on her own. Rolling is not taught, it is instinctual, so they will roll when they are ready. They say that if you let them roll onto their tummy on their own, they are much less likely to fuss since they aren't being forced to be there. Once the baby does it, go down and talk, play, and socialize with him/her so he/she is reassured. My lo will be 4 months on Saturday and she started rolling on her own this week and not fussing while on her tummy. She actually laughs, talks, and smiles! :) Just a suggestion! Good luck!
  • @meliz1187 Im glad to hear that that actually works that's what I'm trying with my lo. She will be 4 months march 7 and she is Sooo close to fully rolling from back to tummy so I'm hoping she likes being on her tummy once she gets their on her own because right now she hates it she starts screaming almost immediately no matter how many times I put her on her tummy.
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