Have you ever....

edited February 2012 in Relationships
Been so hurt and so upset you can't even really explain your emotions or talk about what its wrong?
that is how I feel right now


  • Just went though that yesterday girl
  • Yes! It sucks. Feel better!
  • Everything ok? If and when you can or want to talk about it, we're all hear to listen.
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  • Yes I been there :( not a great place to be at all. I hope everything gets better for you.
  • Yes more often than I wanna admit too. It will get better, it just takes time
  • I'm like this. Get those feelings out before you blow up!!! <3
  • Well I think my boyfriend is cheating on me but I can't prove it. He hides his phone from me and won't let me see it even if I ask. I know he's talking to other women and he lied to me about where he was the other night. I'm just so confused and hurt.I love him but I'm not happy
  • If your not happy then why are you staying? And how do you know he is talking to other women? Looking through your SO's phone is always a bad thing. If he isn't faithful u find out and if he is you lose his trust and prove to him u can't trust him. And you need trust in a relationship for it to work. I'm really sorry your going through this I hope your wrong about him cheating :(
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  • @2boys1girl2love I was doing his taxes on his tablet and I wanted to pull up my pay stub to see my new raise and it pulled up his and he had all these emails from a girl named kittie. And he said he was just talking to her to get her to sign up at his gym but I don't believe him because he's been lying to me alot lately and then he refused to let me see his phone and is actively hiding it from me. @rileyandme I know it hurts me so much that I know he's hiding something by not showing me his phone I wouldn't hesitate to let him see mine if he asked but I'm not cheating
  • I usually get a feeling in me that tells me something and usually its true if ur having that gut feeling then it just might be true...try and trick him on seeing his phone...I did this the other day...I used my bfs phone the other day and said that I needed to call tmobile cause I was having trouble with my phone and while I was on the phone with them I went through his messages lol...I know its just so hard to leave a relationship when u have all these other factors believe me I've been there so ur not the only one...if ur wanting to leave you have to be strong about also think any if theres anything going on in the relationship are there things that you need to work on within yourself? Are there things he needs to work on within himself?
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