Had my Lo Oct 13... Bled for seven weeks putting me into the beginning Dec. got my first period Dec 13th and I am now on my FIFTH period. I am breast feeding and on the mini pill..wth!!
@Jazzie omg. Me too, been hospital today for an early scan as they wernt sure on dates and am 10 weeks. Didn't even know I was pregnant. But I'm due Sept 25th. And my lo will be 1 on Oct 15th. Omg 2 babies under 1. Not planned but I'm sure I'll cope xxx good luck to you xxx
@oc86 I gave birth oct 8th too lol yay. Ive had regular periods since. I was suppose to start monday but idk whats going on I started ortho evra patch, kinda worried now that I think about it
Ive had regular periods since. I was suppose to start monday but idk whats going on I started ortho evra patch, kinda worried now that I think about it
@Cheryl74 wow! good luck, i think u'll be jus fine! :-)