Ok ladies I need some legal advice. (NPR)

edited February 2012 in Pregnant
Ok ladies..I need some advice. When I moved I handed my mom an envelope with my SS card, my son's SS card, and my birth certificate. Now that's it's tax time I need his SS# to claim him. I also need my information to get tags for my car, and to be able to complete my health insurance application now that I'm pregnant again. I've tried contacting her in every way possible and she's NOT responding to anything I've done.

So what do I do in order to get these things back since she's being a bitch, and ignoring my attempts to try to get the information back. I'm 12 weeks pregnant and have yet see my midwife since she won't see my without insurance...so I need to get a hold of this information.


  • Go to your local police station and ask what you should do. Why did you give them to her in the first place?
  • There's not much you can do legally. You will need to go to Social Security to order a new SS card for you and your child and order a new birth certificate online. SS can print out temporary socials so that you have the numbers for the things you need.
  • @starxoxo9 because i was moving, and didn't want to lose them in the mess.

    @captivated thank you! i didn't know that they would print temps out for me...i just didn't want to wait 6 weeks for a new card for him to come then it be too late to file taxes.
  • I went through the same thing. My son was born in July and I never received his social. I was freaking out when it came tax time because I did NOT have six weeks to wait. I went in and filed for a new one and they gave me a print out of his social.

    You could sue your mother in small claims court, but it would probably cost less to just order new originals.
  • Just hope she didn't use his social already to claim him that would suck!
  • Go to your SS office and tell them you lost it, that way they can put out a red flag on them. You'll need the baby's birth certificate or hospital birth certificate to get a temp SS.
  • edited February 2012
    Oh wow. Go over her house if it isn't far and tell her that you need your papers.. it makes me wonder why she doesnt want to talk to you. Maybe she lost them or is planning to report your baby herself. I moved and the ss for my baby arrived at the old address and the person didn't want to give me my letter, I went to the social security office and told them what happened, they gave me a paper with my child's social. That's what I used to declare our taxes.
  • Wow that's messed up. Erm, go to her house if you have a spare key.
  • I'd file a police report just so they know either way.
  • @janet_2011 I doubt she'd even be home to get them from her. I'd hope she's not that stupid to do something like that. Couldn't she get in serious trouble if she did that?

    @yummymummy1 I thinks she keeps everything important in safe...so even if I did have a key to her place I wouldn't be able to get them.

    @CristinaLynn I think that's what I'm going to have to do. I've been trying to get this information since the W2s came in the mail, and now almost a month and a half later still no response.
  • Ahh I see. Erm....... That's a hard one
  • Social security will give your child's social with an insurance card. They allow your child's insurance card as a form of ID since they don't accept proof of birth letter.
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  • @yummymummy1 @ captivated @ArmahnisMommy she ended up not calling and just brought them over and taped them to my front door! So no need to go to the SS office now! :)
  • edited February 2012
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  • @armahnismommy lol i don't know what her deal is. never knocked or rand the door bell. i just happened to be checking for the mail and seen it taped to the door. I think I would of been even more pissed off if I wouldn't of gotten them back, and had to stand in line for hours trying to get a replacement!
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  • Oh good end result then
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