(intelligender) just took it

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Okay so this morning i took the test im 19. wks right now and i got back boy results. I am going to a 3D 4D ultrasound on the 11 and will find out if the results were correct. I was curious if anyone else has used this test and if it worked for yoy or not?


  • I got boy but I'm not gonna find out the gender for a few more weeks
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  • I took the intelligender at 19 weeks it said boy and i went on feb 28 and they confirmed BOY we r so excited
  • @Navywife - the intelligender is a test from cvs or walgreens that predicts the sex of your baby from 10 wks and up ps. I just found out about it the day before i bought it.
  • @Babynum2and proud wow really well i hope mine was correct like yours ill let u know when i get my next ultrasound
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  • O I got.boy results at 8 wks n doc said boy also..so it worked for me
  • Just follow the instructions on the box its 30 bucks and i got it from rite aid. All u do is pee in a cup use the syringe provided to put 20ml into the crystals swich it around for 10 sec wait 5 min and if its gold or yellow its a girl and green is boy. It worked for me i hope it does for u good luck and keep us posted
  • I took one and it said boy and I am having a girl.
  • Kay everyone i went to my appt. They confirmed its a baby BOY! !! So the intelligender worked correctly for me. Glad to see most others are having same experiences. Mine was sold in cvs for 50 and was next to pregnancy test best luck women
  • I took one at 9wks. It came back a dark smoky green meaning boy. I got a 2nd one because hubby says you always do tests in 2's or 3's for accurate results. Well, we couldn't seem to wait the 48hrs of no sex, so its still sitting there. But, we did get a 3D gender scan. It is without a doubt a lil boy in there! The chinese conception chart was correct as well. I have 4 daughters, so this is definitely exciting for all of us. Out of all my friends who did an Intelligender only 1 got an incorrect result, but she shook it instead of swirling it, so she got aa second one, swirled it&it was correct. So, I fully think they work, just have to follow the directions exactly. Either way, its fun to do :)
  • Thanks for the inspiration ladies. I kept going back and forth with myself about whether or not I wanted to do the intelligender. It's a definite must do now.
  • Yea i go to the doc tomorrow and im sure ima get another ultrasound since they give me one everytime i go in. Yippie cantbwait to see my baby boy
  • I'm almost ten weeks should I really wait two days to get one and take it lol. I wanna know now
  • how in the world can you determine the sex of your baby from your urine? what exactly does it test for?
  • @MrsDelRae this m as y be a silly question but what is a chinese conception chart?
  • It tests for testosterone in your urine. Testosterone causes the crystals to turn green = boy, no testosterone crystals stay orange/golden= girl. As well they say wait til ten wks so the sex organs are determined & almost fully developed. And they sat wait 48 hrs after sex so there is no accident of left over semen getting in the urine during the test bc semen contains testosterone, like we all didn't know that.
  • Mine said boy I find out next month 4 sure with doctor
  • I jus took mine is dark green=boy!!
  • @2girls_workinonaboy it is an old chart the Chinese made that determines the sex of your baby by the month you conceived, your age. Its pretty cool!
  • I took my intelligender this morning as well and it said boy...I read somewhere that it says boy a lot...(I am hopeing for a girl)...Also you can find it next to the pregnancy tests at CVS and walgreens....lol I walked around that place for a while before I found them! Also, it says you HAVE to take it with your first morning urine...just a heads up! Me and my hubby are going to do the ring test this week...I read that a lot of women get correct responses with that test!
  • I had three different psychics say I'm having a boy. They have yet to be wrong about anything plus I'm close to them and can tell them things
  • I did all the old wives tells and they all said boy, including the Chinese conception calendar, I bought the intelligender at walgreens for $28.00, did exactly what the directions said except I didn't use first morning urine. I got a girl I have had 3-4 3d ultrasounds and 2 regular ultrasounds which all confirmed a girl. so it worked for me. good luck to all who try but remember not even and ultrasound is 100% correct all the time.
  • it wasn't right for me.
  • The chinese chart thing said everyone of my boys should of been girls so it def was wrong for me but intelligender was right with all three
  • I took one n it said girl, I also did the baking soda tale and it also gave me girl results
  • I never heard of the baking soda tale.. would be interested in what that one is....
  • Yes i have never heard of the baking soda one would someone fill me in
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