anyone else get super sad when there bf/hubby is now around?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Sometimes randomly I get wicked sad when he's out just hormones probly but anyone else ever just wanna cry when he's not home?


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  • Ooo yes, & I've never been like this. I've always loved my space, but I can't stand it when he's gone now. That's why I'm still up right now, he's not home & I can't face going to bed alone!
  • For sure! I thought it was bad before but now its crazy I cry when he leaves! He's a truck driver so he's only home every couple of days :( I hate coming home to no one but my cat...the cat is just not the same lol.
  • @navy...awww my bf is neater then I am so he pushes me to clean too!!!!...I hate being in bed alone!!
    @aug...I couldn't deal w him being gone that much....twice during my pregnancy I've balled hystariclly bc he had to go to work! Damn theese hormones.
  • @tashaizaqt its crazy, we literally just moved in together after we found out I was pregnant, I never thought I would adjust so quickly to him being around.
  • Its nuts I agree w u!
  • I h8 it whats tge point of being married if u still gotta be alone all the time
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