no health insurence?? stuckk!



  • I agree.... although I will say the determination and drive that I have now is because of my daughter.... and even though I had my daughter young.... she change my life style for the better.... kids are blessings....

    If you didn't plan this pregnancy, because you didn't know anything about when you could get pregnant, why did you post this? You're tracking your ovulation to become pregnant? But you're telling us you didn't plan this, and then you're telling us you had no idea how to even get pregnant. And you're bleeding the pity out of everyone on these forums but me. You are what is wrong with America.

    "Hi everyone.! I'm so excited and happy to have join you all.
    My question is I had sex a positive and a positive fertilization day.
    Is it possible that I can be pregnant?
    Or have a hugee chance.

    I am 17 turning 18.
    I used one of those see your and high fertile days things and its correct caz I got a couple of those slimpy mucus things and my body temp.changed.
    I think that's what they say how you know when your obv.?? "
  • edited January 2011
    @michelya...I think she knws what she wrote & maybe she is tracking her ovulation just to make sure she isn't pregnant if she doesn't want to be or to maybe get an idea of when it happened. She posted this discussion about health insurance, so her not loving her baby has nothing to do with it. That comment was ignorant on so many levels, ppl fail to realize that NO 2 PEOPLE ARE THE SAME, so the things one person has seen w/ 1 teen mom doesn't have anything to do w/ another teen mom. No one should judge anybody on any level whatsoever, things happens. . .get over it..! And I noticed, none of ur comments have anything to do w/ health insurance, so if you don't mind me asking, why did you even comment..?
  • Where did I ever say anything about her not loving her baby? Where are you people making this crap up from?
    Her health insurance is coming from my paycheck, because she has no job, and she's going to be just another one of those government supported teen mothers.
  • do you figure that..? Ur on here criticizing a little girl (no offense). . .that's kinda ignorant if you ask me & if ur saying all of that about her, then what about me, I'm young, 20 years old, exactly, w/o a job, so are you paying for my insurance too & am I a government supported mother..? Since you knw her so well, tell me about myself..!
  • I can see where you are all coming from. @michelya I have been sitting here reading everything you have posted and I realized you said exactly how I feel about the whole situation.
  • if you aren't on someone else's policy, yes, so is everyone else with a job.
  • @michelya didn't you no that is the in thing these days people having babies so they can get more money from the government.
  • Well, no ma'am. . .ur wrong. . .once again & @dallasphreak, that may be the case, but like I told @michelya, if ur not giving advice to the topic of discussion, then why are you commenting..?
  • you want advice? enjoy the child you have, work your ass off, get as much education as you can, keep your legs closed. get a good paying job with benefits so you can support yourself and your child without expecting the help of others.

    where may I ask is your magical health insurance coming from then, jody?
  • @michelya...not from you, I pay outta pocket. . .hmm, w/ no job..! Wow, I've gotta be doing something right..!
  • @soon2beteenmama : I was pregnant at 18, my husband and I have struggle alot. I was lucky enough having the support of him. We had no house and only his work truck. We rented my father in law house and when my baby girl was two months old he kicked us out to give his new girlfriend the house! He only gave us two days to move out! Now we have been living at my sisters house for almost a year! But on two weeks we are closing on a beautiful house! And we own our truck! But we made it! Having a baby changes your life, it changed mine! Im pregnant again im 21 and i share my story with you bc i can identify with you! There are going to be tuff times but they come and go! Be strong and think on your baby first! Take all of this comments to make you stronger! Good luck wish you the best!
  • Joby thanks for sucking the mess out of michelya.
    And I don't need you to tell me that I planned a pregnancy,
    Um excuse me but was you there watching?? I think not.
    And I don't need money for the government when my mom works for the government. And the only reason why I didn't have health insurence was caz she was sick in the hospital and the time to renew it was over, but now were working on getting it back caz she works for a hospital dumbass! So don't worry about me.
    All your words don't hurt me sweetie. This is all your opinion on how you feel about me or your "issue" as you call it. So thanks for following me, its nice to have someone on here who cares and loves me and what's inside me or what's not in me. Thanksss.
  • And michelya...
    I know who thee LASTTT person about giving advice to keeping your legs closed. Mmmm. Didn't you just say your pregnant now caz the condom broke.??
    Ya sure you didn't just poke a lil hole in the condom caz you wanna be super mom and screw ya husband caz you'll get more
  • And go click on the subject of teen pregnancies of the 14 year girl and 15 and 17 and 16. Go talk to themm.. since you know so much bout it.
  • no sweetheart, I was the result of a condom breaking, learn to read.
  • Yea I know how to read, but by your instigating. You don't! Lol

    Try telling the 13 and 14 and 15,16,17 girls that on there blog. See what they tell you.
  • if your mom works for the government she doesn't need to renew her insurance, its done automatically. what are you gonna do when you turn 18, and you aren't covered by her policy?
  • @michelya - I thought that was changed and now covered till 24-27. Can't remember.
  • if you are in school, yes. judging by her intelligence I can't imagine her still being in school unless she fails highschool for the next 5 years.
  • Yea if they in school and I think if the can be claimed on primary's taxes
  • Friend of the family, said with her insurance at work it was changed very recently and now will cover your children till they are 24-27. I don't remember her insurance though.
  • I think kids are covered until 25 as long as they're full time students... not one hundred percent sure.
  • Bitch ass @michley. I am in high school.
    And I'm gradutaion class of '12!
    You should have known that since you reading all of my business trick! I have good grades, perfect attendence, honor roll classes, over 500 service hrs. And 10 colledge credits. So please. Get out of my life if you don't know anything about it.
    You sorry ass bitch!
  • Hmmm.... insurance changes so much
  • Where is the love? :-(
  • @soon2beteenmom
    (Side note) take advantage of dual credit hours/courses at the university your senior year.... college classes for cheap.... sorry I know that was off topic
  • @MandaBear
    I know.... on the other tread I offered to go hippie style and throw up the peace sign.... come on guys let's just be friendly preggies together....^.^
  • @soon2betennmama - I'm not trying to argue or question you but your main post states your getting your GED but you just now said your still in high school -class of 2012.
    Was you meaning to say your going to drop out and get your GED if your pregnant?
  • Since this thread is about health insurance or it's supposed to be... I have a question... Do I need to inform my insurance company that I'm pregnant?
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