how many naps does your 4 month old take in a day?

edited March 2012 in Pregnant
Evie has 3 or 4 but they're usually no more than half an hour each, an hour if Im really lucky or we're in the car...Just wondering whats average at this age?


  • My almost 5 month old is awake for about 2 hours, then sleeps for 10 to 20 minutes, after taking 10 minutes to get her to sleep, she's been doing it for a while, it drives me crazy
  • I'm lucky if Ashton maps at all at home! But he does sleep all night. If we are out he will usually sleep in the car. He doesn't sleep much during the day because of his crazy sissy!!! :/
  • My liam naps twice for 2 hours each time sometimes 3 hours and sleeps from 7 to 4am then 4am to 8 or 9am :) my other son never slept at 4 months he had colic
  • Thank goodness I am not the only one with a barely napping baby. She acts as if she is going to miss something!
  • Mine usually takes 2 or 3 usually short... Less than an hour but he fights it every time! He'll scream till he passes out, I don't get it.
  • She usually takes 2 or 3 as long as they are good naps otherwise she takes more. She usually will sleep almost 2hrs..she sleeps through the night. She goes to bed around 9-9:30 and gets up around 9 sometimes 10. So when she gets up at nine she'll take a nap at like noon and sleep till almost 2 and be up until like 5 and take a nap till like 6:30 or 7.
  • thanks ladies, its good to know that evie isnt unusual, her naps arent at all set to particular timea yet though but i guess thatl happen when it happens.
  • My Lo fights naps unless we are in the car then its like instant nap time! He may take 2-3 cat naps like 30 min long. But he sleeps 12-13 hours a night so its very hard to complain!
  • Jack naps usually 3 times a day for 45 mins to an hour and a half.
  • Maddox naps several times through the day. Some cat naps, some a couple hours. He used to sleep through the night, then went to getting up twice at night, to now waking every 2 hours. He is going backwards and I am exhausted!!!
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