does anyone elses babies wake up at 5am

edited March 2012 in Pregnant
No matter what time you put them to bed? He normally goes to bed at 730 and sleeps like 5/530 maybe 6 if im lucky. But ive tried keeping him up til 8/9 and he still wakes up at the same time???


  • edited March 2012
    Yes! I'm just about to post if anyone knows a good how to sleep book lol my lo goes to bed at 7 and wakes up 5+ times a night, i'm not ok, i'll try anything besides cio
  • @kindell my baby has the same sleep pattern at yours but im okay with it really. I like to be up early I get to see my man off in the morning and get going on my day. If I get burned out, which I normally do! I nap when she naps.
  • @kimberly4411 he sleeps thur the night just wakes up really early in the am
    @whoaababy i do nap with him. I just cant seem to go to bed early (tended bar for years) so its a hard to get out of it. Well i just want him to sleep til 8/9 ish so i try to put him to bed later but he still wakes up at the same time
  • Yess! For the past few days he's been waking up at 5am :( doesn't matter if I put him to bed at 8,9 or 11pm ;(
  • Same sleep pattern, but it works for our family, we are early risers, and we've always gone to bed around 9 since before baby!
  • Yep, Tessa has been waking up at 5-5:30 for the past week. Luckily she goes back to sleep between 6-7:30 and will stay asleep til 9-10. And so do I lol. It doesn't matter what time she goes to bed either.
  • Yea my little man is the same in bed asleep by 7 and is up around 5 or 6 no matter what I do but he goes back to sleep an hour after he gets up and sleeps till 9 or 10 but only if he is in my bed he wont nap that long in his crib
  • Mine is almost 7 months and does the same. She takes a bath a crashes out for the night at 8pm and up at 5am. She was sleeping till 6am...maybe with the time change the sun is waking them up earlier?
  • edited March 2012
    Oh no... I would die if she did lol
  • My lo goes to sleep around 10-11 gets up 730-930
  • @steph_due_101611 that wouls work better for me lol. Im getting use to it because its been this way since he was 6 weeks old but i wish he'd sleep in.
  • I don't do anything special. I just have blankets on the windows. Keeps it from getting bright and keeps the cold out at night.
  • My son was like that.. but 6 a.m. everyday! I was so sleepy all the time!
  • My lo wakes around 5.30 for a feed, falls back asleep and stays that way till 7.30-8.30 depending on how noisy my 2.5yo is when he gets up around 7-7.30
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