12w 5d prego and having a boy!

edited March 2011 in September 2011
Can't believe we were able to find out so soon!


  • How did u? Congrats!
  • Referred to a fetal medicine specialist. They have some very nice 3d ultrasound machines!
  • That's awesome! Did it cost a pretty penny? Lol
  • Congrats, I also found out last week that Im having a boy, I was also at the time 12w 5D, the doctors said it looks like a boy, but he also said it could also be the cord that was in the way, so i cant wait to find out for sure, deep inside i was hoping for a girl, but i do have to say o hist hope she?he is healthy.
  • Didn't cost me anything. My first son was preterm so I was referred to a specialist. I go back in 4 weeks. We'll see if it's still a boy!
  • dont want to be a pesamist but i wouldnt put your whole heart into it there is alwayw room for human error at you 20 wk us or even past 16 wks is more acurate..
  • I had CVS testing done because I carry a genetic disorder and they were able to tell me the sex the next day. Im having a girl. They knew that thou by looking at her DNA. Not on ultrasound
  • Luckyy!!! I'm 16 wks and won't find out til march 30th :\
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Had my 12 weeks appt today, they think its a boy also! We will get confirmation in 4 weeks!
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