Yes, her hair is coarse and thick right at the neck, but fine and soft everywhere else! I've yet to find a way to help eliminate it, and I've tried everything!
Babies usually thin out and sometimes falls out all together around that middle section...I forget the reasoning and also for aa kids that's where there hair starts transitioning first into their actual texture. Just use baby conditioner and don't wash naliyahs hair that often bc it may be drying out her scalp. Also just typing her name I realized, hey that's my niece's name. I'm a bit slow, lol
It's rough because its shorter, and the hair gets thicker towards the root. Same way guys hair feels rough when its short. It's not the texture its the length. This is also why legs feel stubbly a few days after you shave. If you let it grow long, it'd be softer lol.
Yes!!! On the top of his head his hair is soft and smooth, on the back of his all around his bald spot the hair is really coarse and almost wavy!!! I think he's going to have a full head of thick hair just like daddy!!!
mine! boy is has a cute curly fro in the front but the middle ? Haha my poor baby. Theres like a line back there that won't grow and is so thin. Can't wait for him to grow past that stage.
@Mrz_Jackson ive been wanting to start putting something in naliyahs hair but want sure if she was too young or what would work
@RileyAndMe naliyahs looks like its getting thin back.there and she has a head full of hair!!!!!