edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
I've had a horrible tooth ache for the past ix hours!!!! Nothing is helping at all!! My gums are swelled and I'm bitchy n miserable!! I've tried baking soda, brandy, salt, hot coffee, hot compress, cold compress, orajel, floss, everything and nothing has worked!!!! Sunstone please help! I've eden tried vanilla extract!! :(


  • Someone*
  • The best thing for a toothache is of course on our "do not take" list so try some tylenol...try to see a dentist asap they may want a release from your ob. If there is an infection you need to get it taken care of...I'm a dental assistant and we always tell our patients do NOT use any heat because it helps the bacteria grow use ice on and off about 20 minutes each. I hope this helps and hope you feel better.
  • @aug22baby I've tried everything :( it hasn't let up at all...I'm taking tylenol but it's not helping either. I'm at my wits end!!
  • I'm really sorry to hear that. Unfortunately teeth are the one pain that just doesn't go away you may have to wait until morning and see a dentist...if its unbearable head to the er they can at least give you something stronger for the pain
  • @aug22baby I'm going to call around first thing in the morning. Thank you. I'm miserable! :(
  • Ohh im so sorry. I had a earache a couple weeks ago. I believe ear and tooth aches are the worst pain you could ever have. The only thing I know of would be oragel. Ive also heard put a goody powder on it. Hope the pain stops soon.
  • Still hasn't stopped yet :( Now my whole damn jaw hurts!!
  • aww sorry I woke up from a nap one day and my gums were swollen only thing that worked was crying and going to sleep.woke up in the morning and it was like nothing was ever wrong. try to sleep you might get lucky like me...hope you feel better
  • @blessed1508 I'm going to head there now. Hoping I can actually get to sleep! This is horrible! Like being 38wks isn't enough, I have to have a awful toothache on top of it :'( thank you!
  • @JessLang aww sorry well your about to pop soon lucky you lol yeah get some rest and get off this addicting website lol
  • @blessed1508 im trying lol thank you! :)
  • how is your toothache?
  • @blessed1508 the pain isn't as bad now but the whole left side of my face is swelled up horribly! :( I can't chew. I'm going it gets better! Thank you for asking!!!! :)
  • awww am sorry. have you made a dentist appointment
  • @blessed1508 I can't find any dentist that will touch me because I'm pregnant! :( I guess I will have to wait till I get lil man out next week :(
  • I had horrible toothache with my 1st baby. Nothing ever helped the pain, but now when I get a toothache I use stuff called Benzodent. Its actually for denture and brace pain, but it works much better than orajel. Good luck and I hope you don't have any more tooth pain!
  • @JessLang that sucks especially since you are about to pop well hope you feel better soon :-)
  • @hoosierMamaOf4, @blessed1508 thanks. Now its one big puss bask on the side of my gums n my cheek is swelled huge....I'm trying to get relief by popping it :( I cam barely open my mouth.
  • omg don't pop it!!!!!
  • Sounds like an abcess. I bet you will need a root canal.
  • Clove oil helps wit tooth pain!!!!tasts horrible works great
  • I have a tooth infection as we speak.it was so bad I looked up remedies online I used toothpaste and just put a huge glob on it for 5min and it took pain away for bout 30min.u can't use clove oil when preg I looked it up.when not preg though it sounds like a miracle worker.I went to e.r bc it was wknd n my dentist wasnt open till monday the e.r dr saw it was infected and gave me penicillin and told me to follow up wit dentist bc when ur preg is the most important time to see ur dentist.dentist can work on ur teeth but they have limits ur Gyno n dentist should talk that's wht mine do.good luck
  • @lucky7 @Kayla_Dawn @Karla_with_a_K @blessed1508 I couldn't take the pain any more! I cleaned a needle n popped it. It was disgusting!!!! Its still not all the way popped :( but at least I have a little relief for now! I called my ob to c if she would prescribe some infection meds n she said take tylenol! No shit, I have been for 2 days n it hasn't helped! No dentist will touch me at alllll here :( I just dont need this on to of being 39 weeks :( thank you guys! I'm just at a loss here :(
  • There is a toothache med you can buy that is by the Orajel, its clove oil, comes with little tweezers&tiny cotton balls that you soak in the oil, then put on the sore spot. Works real good. Try that with Tylenol, an ice pack. I hope it feels better!
  • Wht about going to an e.r?maybe they can help.I feel horrible for u bc I was just there.ur ob sounds like a real a hole sry.it is dangerous for baby for u to have infection.now that u popped it rinse ur mouth a lot with warm salt water.
  • I had one of those pop up and when I went to dentist they.popped it and sucked.all the stuff.out and put me on an antibiotic and had to have a root canal when the infection was gone. Idk why a dentist wont work on u or give.an antibiotic. Thats insane
  • @JessLang first of all ouch you are brave I wouldn't have stuck anything in my mouth to pop anything!!! second sorry you are in so much pain sucks no dentist will help you :-( hope you feel better soon. :-)
  • I know exactly how you feel. I've had a toothache all day and NOTHIN helps
  • My ob is an ass! I've only had bloodwork done once this whole pregnancy!! And the last time she checked my cervix was at 15wks! I'm ready for this to be over so I never have to see her again!! My teeth are mostly cracked at the gums because my babies sucked me dry :( I'm only going on 24 n I already need dentures! Its awful. Even my front tooth has chipped badly. I'm a mess. Thanks for all the help @Karla_with_a_K @lucky7 @MrsDelRae hopefully my dr will do something tomorrow!
  • @morganpatrice I know....its miserable :( I haven't found anything that helps! :(
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