doubting if i can really do this.
So here's the thing girls. Nvr this whole time have I considered an abortion, its just not my beliefs... lately I have jus been gettin so depressed. I'm barely finishing college in july, and they job place you, but what happens if they don't want me cuz I'm already prego. I am tryn to move out, n I don't wanna tell neone till I do... I'm only 6 wks 5 days... but I have all these bills, n ima b in debt from college, n I'm starting to get so scared that I don't think I can do this any more, I'm really starting to doubt myself... but the alternative scares the crap out of me....the other thing, is I'm not positive my family will support me when they find out, infact I'm almost positive they won't.... idk wat to do, I'm not supposed to be stressing, but this is all stressing me out so much... any advice