anyone watching Dr Phil?!

This guy wears a diaper and sleeps in a crib. It's about weird syndromes and fears. He gets onesies made for himself. I just find it weird! His girlfriend changes his diapers and feeds him. Could you do that for a guy?!


  • I've seen that episode..I believe I'd have to slap that guy if he asked me to change his diaper. LOL
  • Guys already act like kids. Dont need to change their damn diaper too. Eww
  • Lol, I'd puke on him...I would never be able to do that. Now they are talking about her telling her parents about it...I can't imagine.
  • There was a guy like that on 1000 ways to die. He was throwing a tantrum in his giant man baby crib, stuck his head through the bars and shook it so hard the side dropped down and broke his neck.
  • @starrxoxo9, That show trips me out!
  • I saw that one a while ago! So messed up. But I think its MORE messed up that shes with him! She wants to get married & have kids! It'd be like being a single mother since he doesn't want to change! (Not knocking single mothers here, those can do it get my props)
  • edited March 2012
    Hell to the naw..... Im not trying to Baby nobody but my child lol... Lol he better go back to his mama with all that diaper changing mess
  • Yup I saw that episode, it disgust me, he even have a pacifier, high chair, his own baby crib, his girlfriend feeds him baby food....ewwww over my dead body I would baby a grown ass men.
  • i saw that one! i would never do that.. yuk! brother in law was watching it too and he was like.. "if he can find a girl, why can't i?" lol..
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  • It made me cringe hearing he had a diaper on during the show and thinking he was going while sitting gross!
  • @newmomma13 lol ur always laughing at me :P
  • @NylasMommy cause you say funny things
  • @newmomma13 u know I do Oooo lol
  • What I don't understand is why this couple feels the need to "come out" to their parents...I mean, when you have a sex fetish such as S&M, you don't come out to others. Private life is private. Plus, no one wants to hear about this crap! It does nothing but make others lose every ounce of respect for you!
  • I heard about this on facebook and I googled adult cribs. Man some people are just strange but it made me lol that they make adult cribs and high chairs and stupid stuff for adults that want to be babies
  • @excitedtobe, that reminds me of the show I watched where people have the animal suit fetishes. They have sex in animal costumes....::gags::
  • That is beyond disturbing! I saw something similar on "my strange addiction"it was some girl who did the same stuff. She said she liked the way it felt when she peed in the diaper..... Gross! If I had some freakishly weird and gross addiction like that I would do everything I could to hid it!
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