AF returned with a vengance

edited March 2012 in Pregnant
So my son turned 5mo on Monday, and on Tuesday aunt flow finally came back. I haven't had a period since January 2011 and I think she's making up for lost time. This is like the heaviest period I've ever had. I'm soaking over night pads and bleeding through my pants. I even leaked onto the couch. I only bleed for 8wks pp and then nothing. Is this normal?


  • I've been on the mini pill since the day I had my son. It's been doing this for 2 days now.
  • Bump **I'm still flowing like Niagara Falls, should I call my Dr? This is day 3.
  • Mine did the SAME thing! YUCK it went like that for a damn week. I hope the next one is easier/lighter. :(
  • I'd call your dr unless it's normal for your period to be that heavy. If you're soaking one of more pads with in an hour I'd go to the ER just in case. I had my period really bad once, and I bled all over my bfs seats in his BMW..he got rid of that car quick because of it. LOL
  • Thanks ladies, my period is not usually this heavy. It's now day 5 & it's starting to lighten up, thank God. I felt so gross and yucky. Hopefully the next one isn't this bad.
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