6 months...waking up in the middle of the night

edited March 2012 in Parenting
My lo is 6months & for the past week & a half, he's been waking up in the middle of the night...between 2-4am. He had been sleeping through the night since 2months, I'm super tired of this & exhausted. Anyone else's lo doing this? Tips?


  • @ta2edblondie didn't think about that..probably is a growth spurt cuz he wakes up hungry...or both b/c he is cutting more teeth
  • Mine is doing the same thing I just want one good night of sleep
  • I quess there's a lot of us mommies who need more sleep lol.. My lil qirl is 5 months &&its been about 2 weeks she has been wakinq up 2-3 times at niqht :-S She was actually sleepinq well through the niqht since around 2 months I'm wonderinq if it's a qrowth spurt or maybe somethinq else bcus she wakes up hunqry &&qoes riqht back to sleep when I feed her... Well I juss hope this dont last too lonq cus I'm also very tired lol
  • Jace is almost 8 months and was sleeping through the night from 6 weeks until 4 months and then all of a sudden he quit sleeping through the night, hes getting up 2 sometimes 3 times in the night now.. He hasn't slept through the night once in 4 months.. Google babies and sleep regression, it's where a babys sleep pattern changes, I've heard it can last a couple weeks or longer, unfortunately for me jaces has lasted 4 months and still going.. I'm beginning to think that he will never sleep through the night again :(
  • I've been having issues with dillon (he's also 6mos) and his sleeping but I attribute it to the fact he's teething. One's cut already and another one is making its way through. HOWEVER, I learned last night after 1.5hrs of screaming that if he's on his belly he passes right out. He was screaming for nap time this morning...put him on his belly...WHAM out like a light. Score: mom- 1, Dillon- 2947586. Lol Maybe a coincidence...maybe not. We shall see. Maybe your lo's just having a difficult time getting comfortable? Dillon also just starting rolling around like a crazy person so I feel safe putting him on his belly to sleep.
  • McKinleywas doing that for the past Month & bam. Two teeth are now poking through.
  • Alivia is 6 1/2 months and has been doing the same thing for about a month. She also used to sleep for the whole night but not anymore. I'm hoping I'll get some relief soon. I haven't slept a full night in a month.
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