stiff, sore ankles..

edited February 2012 in Health
So ever since I've had my daughter the joints in my ankles have been stiff and sore all the time. It's worse after sitting for a while and HORRIBLE after sleeping. I literally limp down the stairs. I know I gotta ask my Dr but has anyone else dealt with this?? It's terrible!!


  • Sorry, I'm no help but here's a bump:)
  • Arg you too?
    Its been getting a little worse for me my lo turned five months yesterday.
    Now the stiffness has moved to the top of my feet. Once I get moving they loosen up and don't hurt but if I sit for a bit or wake up from sleeping they are so stiff and hurt and I limp for a bit until they loosen back up.
  • @littlefae exactly!!! I wonder why?!
  • No clue but its really starting to get to me.
    I've almost fallen several times getting out of bed and now I have to walk a bit before picking up Isaac. I'm afraid ill fall and drop him.
  • @littlefae me too! I have a Dr appt on Monday I'm gonna ask Wtf is up!
  • Oh please let me know what your dr says. I can't afford to see mine right now. Worthless insurance.
  • @littlefae just a thought, but do you exercise at all? I took Tessa out for a walk yesterday for the first time in months. We walked for 3 miles and my ankles have not felt near as stiff since! Maybe I just need to get my ass off the couch lol!!!
  • Lol I do... But im in MN and the temps dropped and it got cold again.
    But now that you mention it, on days I do get out I do feel better and not as stiff.
    Huh, maybe I just need to get my butt out more often too. I move a lot in my house, but its not the same as the quick brisk strides of a walk that really get your blood moving.
    It could also be diet related? Mine really started to get worse when I had to start.cutting so many things out of my diet for Isaac.
    I hope your dr is able to tell you,more about it
  • @littlefae so they had me see a midwife student today and she had no clue lol. She told me to see a chiropractor which I will never do lol. Sorry :(
  • Lol well dang! Our mysterious ailment will continue.
    I guess more walks, more activity and when we have the chance soaking in a tub with epsome salt.

    Hhmmm I'm trying to get ahold of my doula/midwife in training friend for another problem. but ill bring it up with her and see if she knows.
  • @littlefae lol yea I hope the weather breaks soon so I can get out more!! Let me know if you find anything out :)
  • Will do!
    And same our temps well be going up this week so ill be getting out more often
  • Me too, my lo is almost 4 months. Did you have a c-sect?
  • @crisjoe no c section. It must be a post partum thing since we're not the only ones!
  • Sorry this took so long! Talked to my doula and she suggested eating foods with potacium(spelling?) And higher iron. So I've been eating a banana once a day and I'm seeing improvements. The stiffeness that was making it was up my legs has gone back down and my ankles aren't as bad as they used to be.
  • @littlefae nice!! I will try that!!
  • I wonder if they are getting used to carrying less weight. Mine are sore too.
  • My feet have been super bad since having my lo. Exercising was helping a little. I just started seeing a chiropracter and he is going to work on my feet also.
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