I am so irritated
So I watch this soldier's kids before & after school every day. She doesn't pay me anything, her kids eat up my food & she doesn't even have the decency to come get her them when she gets home. She sends a text instead to say she's home. She's neglected & has charges with CPS for leaving the kids alone for several hours to go off post with her man. I am fed up with her taking advantage of me, but I know she doesn't have anyone else to watch them....
When I was in the military, we had a civilian woman in our line shack. One day the cops came in and arrested her. Come to find out, she was leaving work everyday for her 10-12hr shifts and leaving her son at home.
Her son was SIX months old. An apartment maintenance worker entered her apartment to do some repairs and found her son in his crib screaming, soiled with four bottles in his crib. She was getting up in the morning and giving him bottles and leaving him in the crib alone for twelve hours! Her reason? She didn't have the money for daycare!
Ridiculous! The civilian contractors that worked in our squadron were payed a minimum of $22-32/hr. She went to prison for 2 years.
@heyitsme, the kids are 9,8 & 5.