Down below the belt (tmi)

I've mentioned this before and I cannot stress this enough. My vag is healing in two pieces my right inner labia near the clitoris. It is soo annoying and at times painful. Not to mention it is weird looking (not like vaginas are suppose to be pretty lol). My dr said the only way it will go back together is if I get vaginoplasty/labiaplasty. Well i feel like I'm the only one here with a deformed crotch :-<


  • He won't fix it???? My friend had to have "plastic surgery" down there as the doc Reconstruction pretty much.
  • I have a stretched labia :( It is really painful. They wouldn't fix it either. I will have to get insurance and claim it as medically necessary to get a labiaplasty. I'm not quite sure what you mean in your post about two parts? :/ :-(
  • I had a labiaplasty done, for cosmetic reasons about a year ago..I would NEVER do it again, its pretty now (if thats possible) I've had 2 csections and a boob job and nothing compares to the pain I went thru with the
  • edited March 2012
    @captivated It ripped in two parts on one side of my labia. So my left labia is in one whole still while my right labia is torn it looks like a piece is hanging when really its apart of my labia :-(
    @RedShadoe0 Yeah they won't fix it because its considered cosmetic
  • @armywife5 Really? was it because of what the surgery consists of?
  • Sigh... I hate that. How is it cosmetic if you're in PAIN bc of it?!? Stupid insurance.
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  • @jdensma On Oct. 8th

    @RedShadoe0 Ugh I know tell me about it. And the insurance I have sucks so bad
  • Mines not deformed,but not nearly as pretty as it was =(
  • Recovery was long and awful!
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  • @lolasbabynum1 I think mine is the exact same way, :( it's almost like theres another clitoris or labia or something. it's the way I tore when I had my son last july. it used to be really painful but it's not anymore, every once in awhile ill feel a sharp pain down there when having sex tho. I never new there were ways to fix it so I've never said anything to my dr. I just figured i would have to live with it. but yeah don't worry your definitely not the only one that has a "not so pretty" vag.
  • I have a deformed vag. I ripped and it never healed properly, so I barely have a perinneum (spelling?). It looks like my insides are going to fall out of me. My doc was going to do the surgery to repair it, but I ended up getting aspiration pneumonia after getting my tubes tied, and the insurance has to have 6 weeks of no pre-existing conditions in order to pre-authorize payment...well, my insurance ended a week to early, so now I'm stuck with a big gaping vagina. :(( :((
  • @mommahadababy @mommy2be711 @LilSugarsmomma We should all just get together and cry lol ugh why were we so unlucky!
    @mommy2be711 Did you rip from the top or bottom near the perineum? Mine looks like I have 2 clits and then theres a gap and then the rest of my labia. I didnt have no tears at the bottom it was all on top
    @Jdensma It's healing in separate parts. Yeah and its weird when its cold I get an aching pain and when I pee I can feel it going through the gap its really uncomfortable & nope they wont touch me or try to attempt to fix it
    @Wyattsmommy @Lilsugarsmomma Wow drs & insurance just suck! Hopefully we can find a way to get it fixed eventually!
  • Thanks for posting this, I was sat thinking I was the only one!! I don't know what the heck the doc did that sewed me up after my episiotomy did but it sure don't look the same, I still hold some small hope there is some swelling left but at 8 weeks pp that hope is getting smaller :( my outer lips seem to have almost disappeared & can't see my inner lips due to now having part of my bowel prolapsing in to my vag. It was hardly pretty before but now it just looks so abnormal! My poor fella, not only did he have to deal with my non existent sex drive during pregnancy, he now still has to deal with me still not wanting sex due to this :(
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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate Nope they didnt. The dr says it will heal from the bottom up. But so far being 5mnths PP it looks the same.

    @willothewisp Oh my! That seems painful. They won't fix it or is there anyway they can?
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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate I thought so too. But the dr said the tear was far up and that how I tore was rare
  • I would honestly talk to a lawyer as embarrassing as it may be. Not giving the full details up front just to see what can be done. I would be pist if the doctor ruined my vag and told me to live with it especially if it was painful. If you start to tear or look like your going to they are suppose to cut so those things don't happen. I have never heard of a doctor just watching someone rip wide open. That is bs and he should have to take responsibility for what he "the doctor" allowed to happen when he should have just cut you so it would be a clean stitch.
  • @second_time_mommy7 Well they didn't cut me it happened during labor. They just can't fix it because they said its cosmetic. Whatever they're really dumb but I plan on switching health plans and women centers. But that does sound like a good idea if they were the ones that cut me but unfortunatly I cant get them in trouble :-(
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  • yup, im not so pretty down there either, i had to have an episiotomy and got over 10 stitches, and ya it doesnt look the same at all! its very jagged looking where i got cut
  • edited March 2012
    @jazzi89 It dont seem too bad :( lol I feel like mines just takes the cake.
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  • @jdensma My health insurance sucks. The drs I have seen say either its going to heal from the bottom up, its fine, or I need to see a cosmetic surgeon. So I'm screwed until october. I cant change my health insurance until then
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