i cant get anything done!

Oh my gosh! No matter what I do, i walk away from my lo and she starts crying. So I will move her to where she can see me so I can get things done and she still throws a fit I'm not in her face playing with her or holding her. I can't take it! She is making me go nuts! I have things to get done. I know she is fine, not hungry, isn't need for a diaper change. I may pull all my hair out before hubby gets home from work at 6!

Ok I'm done..for now!


  • I feel the exact same way sometimes! I don't know what the deal is!
  • Idk either! I hope it stops soon lol. How old is your lo? Mine is 4.5 months.
  • Have you tried wearing her while you do your chores ?
  • My kids went through this phase for a few weeks when they were younger. I try not to pick my son up every time he cries (he's almost 9months) because I do not want him accustomed to it. Instead I will go over and play with him, or kiss him or give him some kind of attention so that he knows he can still vocalize his needs. It's just a phase you will have to work through. How old is LO? If LO can't crawl or sit up yet, they may just be bored!
  • No I haven't @ashley_smashley I dot even know how to or what to get to try it.

    @captivated she is only 4.5 months so no, she can't crawl or sit up yet and she refuses to roll over. I try to keep her entertained, she will be in the same room as me and I make sure we have toys and I talk to her all the time and I try not too keep her in position for too long.
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  • My lo is the same way. He has such a temper, which the doc noticed even early on. Hes 4 mon old. I try to position him where he can see me.and at times I have to stop what Im doing and.give him attention for a min other times I have to let him cry a little. I feeljust like you, some days are better than others... but eventually they have to start learning to self soothe and entertain themselfs. Hang in there!
  • Just get a carrier for her...they have lots of different ones. We have the kind where Ollue is forward facing on my chest. He loves it bc he gets to be close to me and still be nosy and see everything!
  • @rileyandme I usually do that but its cold now here..so her swing is my bff lol

    @babyhope7 I am, you too!!

    @ashely_smashley ok I will be doing some research on those.
  • My lo loves loves loves the baby bjorn. She faces forward and lets me do everything as long as she feels she is a part of it. It becomes a workout too!
  • Mine is four and a half months also. We have a baby Bjorn to carry him in but with him strapped to my chest it makes it difficult to do much other than vacuum LOL my arms just aren't long enough to get around him and still be able to do much. Plus I have a really bad back and it makes it worse. It takes me forever to exercise cuz he constantly needs attention. I usually have to wait til hubby gets home to do most things. :( plus he's starting that sleep regression thing! And he cut 2 teeth recently so he's all messed up! Lmbo I hope it gets better soon!
  • My son had a phase like that for about a month...I used the sling. Just strapped him on and I could vacuum and clean with him attached to me...it was difficult but it only lasted a month or so. HAng in there tho.
  • Thanks ladies! It doesn't help she is teething. @everyone
  • @ashley_smashley - Good advice! Wearing works and it makes baby smarter :) I try to wear Piper at least an hour a day. I can do most chores with her unless I have to spray stuff. @britt21 -Sometimes putting them in the bouncy so they can see you works too :) Good luck!
  • Also a great idea with the bounce seat! @ceegsmommy75 .
  • Yea we have an exasaucer she plays in while I'm in the kitchen.
  • Sounds like they are teething!!!
  • Sounds nice @mommy2ari

    @newmomma13 yea she probly is
  • Yes I could kill my 5mnth old right this second. I need to get lunch for my 5yr old as he is driving me crazy with" I'm hungry". I can't wait to go back to work only 2 more weeks to go.
  • Awe so sorry you are frustrated..take a nice long deep breath and everything will be ok..hope today is better.
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