looking For A Pregnancy Buddy !

edited January 2011 in September 2011
I have no one to talk to about what is going on with me. No really supports me im 7 weeks ! I just need someone to relate too


  • Hey, what's going on? How old are you? I have SOME support but it wasn't always like that.. I'm here to talk whenever.. this is a hard time especially when you feel alone and I like to help as much as I can
  • I love to help first time mommies! I had no support at all with my first, so i know how it feels. My mother told me to get an abortion or get married, so needless to say, she wasn't there for me. I am now 20 weeks with number 4, so i should be able to answer most of your questions. Congratulations!
  • Hay ...I'm 15 weeks an need a buddy too...I'm 24live in Indiana an this is baby #2for me but its completely different ..so it feels like the first one for me
  • Hey Im 19 .. My Boyfriend Really Doesnt Want This Baby Since He Just Had One . But This What I Really Want.. His Family Is Making Me Feel Like Im The Worst Person In The World..
  • I as well didn't have support with my 1st two babies, especially since I was pregnant with my first at 16 but I currently have 4 wonderful girls and am almost 7 weeks pregnant with baby number 5! Now I have support and its a whole different ball game. So needless to say you have support from all of us pregos so don't worry, ask away we are here for you, I am a stay at home mommy so I have nothing but time! :) Congrats!
  • I'm 18 now, ill be 19 when my baby comes. If this is what YOU want and he can't seem to come around and take care of HIS child then there's nothing you can do, just deal with him when you have to. As for his family.. 'ef em.. excuse my language but they really don't matter right now.... its about you and the baby....
  • Xoxo toot ur bf needs to step up to the plate no matter if he just had a baby or not, and he needs to be there for you and support/defend you against his family. the both of you made the baby together so he should man up, that being said don't stress and worry about him/them right now focus on your health and happiness and babies health, pregnancy is a wonderful time to be enjoyed.
  • Babygirlsplusone is soo right. My bf's family was supportive and well I only told my sister.. she was upset at first but now she accepts it... I know my other sisters just gona tell me how stupid I am and I shouldn't do this but its my.body, this is my child, and I've thought everything through. This is what I want and I'm hppy about it and whoever can't be happy for me doesn't have to bother with me. You can't make people accept it but you learn to stop caring when you have to think about you and your baby :)
  • MrsLaMaster I'm right at about 7 weeks and am 28 living in Michigan and I know where you are comming from talking about this baby feeling so different like the first baby all over again. I had my first 3 girls very young then I just gave birth April 2010 to my 4th baby girl and I had to start all over again, I forgot what it felt like being pregnant, had to start over with baby things, etc. now I am pregnant again with my 5th baby(husbands miracle baby) and it feels again like the first baby all over again! :) being pregnant is great!
  • I will talk to u dnt let anyone stress u!
  • You all are so right.. the most important thing right now is my baby's well being.. i am just so emotional all the time now.. i just cry and cry.. me and him were so close now he just wants to stay away from me.
  • Me n my daughters dad r having problems as well he told me to leave alone. So I know how u feel. Everything will wrk out for the best
  • I imagine how hard that could be.... you should really try talking to someone.. like you always have us... but talking to a therapist or something at your doctors office can help alot... you're still gona feel sad sometimes but not as much and it'll make you feel a lot stronger, and when you think about him, think about how he left you, left the baby. And don't let it get you mad... let it show you how much better you and your Baby deserve
  • @MrsLaMaster I'm from Indiana too what part are you from
  • Jeffersonville
  • I feel ya girl. I'm 19 and this is my first and unexpected pregnancy. My boyfriend would prefer I get an abortion but I know I could never. You have to remember that you hold the power and nobody can take that away. You can never undo an abortion. I'm here for ya! Chin up, and love from Idaho!
  • I'm from Berne, In . I'm 20. I for engaged around Christmas but had no idea I was expecting. It is a shock but were doing the best we can.
  • I really believe this is the best thing that has happen to me.. i cant wait till the second trimester to tell my family and friends
  • Im 6weeks 3days along. This will be my 5th kiddo. Ill be 26. I have been through everything possible. If you need someone to talk with im here. I was 15 years old when I got pregnant. I've been through an accident that striped me of my life basically. If it wasn't for my daughter being born I don't know where id be at. Kids are amazing. They are a miracle to this world. If daddy didn't want this kid he should of took precautions. You are the mom the baby is growing inside of you. It is your decision not his. He nor can anyone else make you do something you don't want to do. Hang in there things will get better! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
  • Feel your pain, my boyfriend just had his first kid woth his ex..beautiful lil girl was born yesterday...me and the mom dont get along at all its hell. Im 6wks 5days. We have been talkinf about whats best and if its the right time to have a kid..i was upset yesterday talming to him about how I fesl, he came out and confessed that he tried to get me pregnant...idk hoa I feel about everything, being pregnant sucks when ur dealing with emotional stuff, all I do is cry
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