Anyone have trouble sleeping around 13-15 weeks?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
i havent been able to sleep very well lately. im 15w 1d preg & its hard for me to have a good nights rest. :/


  • Omg! Join the club! Nothing todo :-( try to take naps!
  • Yea join the club I'm used to sleepin on my stomach n now its I'm possible to sleep comfortably
  • i havent really been able to sleep since i got pregnant literally!! if i take naps theyre really super short. or it was when id take the nausea pills the dr had given me but now its hard for me to take a nap without em
  • edited March 2011
    I already have trouble sleeping and am only 11 weeks 4 days. I thought I was just over thinking it cuz I haven't been able to sleep good since like 5 weeks . It sucks
  • yeah its crazy cuz i figured out i got pregnant around thanksgiving & ever since we did the black friday shopping my sleeping schedule has been all out of wack so no good sleep for me :(
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