


  • @captivated Aww Congrats even though its super confusing right now :)
  • Wow!! Congrats
  • Well holy crap! Surprise surprise!!! It'll be okay, things work out and you're to strong to have it any other way! Now if you would just share your luck with me we'd be great!!! lol, I can't believe a little bugger was hiding in there.
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  • Congrats! Good luck to u. :)
  • @redshadoe0, funny because I thought of you during my ultrasound. About how unfair it is and how so many other women would kill to experience it. Thinking of how selfish I was for hoping it was just an early miscarriage. I am still in utter shock. I don't *feel* pregnant. I feel like there is something wrong. I am bleeding again, but I guess only time will tell. If this pregnancy is viable, im sure it has happened this way for a reason!
  • lol, thats funny you thought of me. Well, sorta funny, kinda sad on my half haha. I hope that one way or another things work out the way you want them. I'm totally on hook here waiting to see what happens. I hope you get some answers too!!! Craziness!
  • Congrats Hun!! It will all work out for u!
  • @redshadoe0, girlie, I know it will happen for you soon. My son was conceived on chem with one ovary and tube. He was never supposed to make it and now he is a healthy amazing boy. If I conceived this one through my disease and it managed to survive a D&C after telling me the pregnancy wasn't viable, my hug levels rose and dropped and now are past 8000, I have no doubt you will have your miracle child as well.

    My finance/bd is pressuring me for a termination. I just can't do it. I terminated a pregnancy in 2010 because she had anencephaly (no brain) and it put me in the hospital for over a week because they punctured my uterus and left remnants which caused sepsis. I am not going to risk going through that again and have another surgery that could accelerate my scar tissue and disease process. I am still in shock that I have been pregnant this entire time, but there must be a reason this baby has survived what it has. I cannot help but think there is a reason for it all. How cruel and selfish it would be to terminate?! Please keep personal abortion views off this post ladies, but I wont do it and I have told him this.

    I just have this gut feeling that something may be wrong. All the bleeding especially. Still cramping something awful. I never asked if this being a missed d&c, could the baby suffer a disability or retardation somehow? I knew I should never have let them talk me into the ectopic removal and d&c...if they were sure it was ectopic, why perform a d&c right after?

    I have also taken my birth control for a month straight...can that cause problems as well? I've drank occasionally as well. Anyone know? My mind is spinning.
  • Ugh so frustrated. The ER had discharged me with an order for important lab work. Just drove an hour to get it done and they wont do it because I have no insurance and can't pay upfront. Its important to know my beta levels because if they are dropping to indicate a miscarriage, I have to be seen because of my extensive hemmorhaging history. So much for any answers. I can't even see an obgyn because of no insurance and will have to wait on Medicaid...I was 20wks before my Medicaid was approved with my son.

    Not having insurance really sucks :( I don't know what to do.
  • Try the health dept. sometimes they will do prenatal care for zero cost (or very little)
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  • @mama_Kat, the only place that will see me is the ER. I called every ob office to see if they'd see me retroactively until my Medicaid is approved...they said no, id have to pay upfront.

    @davidnaadynsmama, I did. They told me I qualify for Medicaid and to apply and wait to get my card and get an ob. Said there is a waiting list for health department..? Wtf.
  • Usually the health department has a list of doctors you can go to that accept medicaid & will put you on a low-payment plan, & then when you do get accepted medicaid they will reimburse...at least in Texas, I had to do that when I 1st got preggo
  • @clope18, I wish. Even if they would do that, I couldn't even pay a reduced amount. I have no income right now.
  • sorry youre having such a tough time. wish i had the answers, being here in the Uk, i have no experience re healthcare as ours is free at the point of delivery. as far as the pill and alcohol are concerned, i think your fine. i was 3 months into the pill when i found out i was 7 weeks with josh, and the night before i found out i was expecting Evie i was extremely drunk and severely sick because of it. (Havent touched a drink since).
  • Wow is all I can say! Can you try a planned parenthood or like a pregnancy care center? I know here in Ohio we have pregnancy care centers that help moms with no insurance. The er should help you out with financial aid and ask them where you can go. I would still call another ob and explain your situtation to them some docs will do stuff for free bc it's. Right off for them. Or back back to the er and have them do the blood test. A hospital can not decline you medical care it is a right of yours as well as everyone else's. Do what you have to do for your health as well as your unborn. This baby was meant to be. I'll tell ya everything happens for a reason and you will not be given anything or any more Then you can handle!!!! Just remember that. Good luck hun and keep us posted!!!! I as well know the feeling of that 000035599.% of being the one that ends up pregnant I was on the iud and shot when I got pregnant with my kids so I knew they were meant to be! Keep your head up and stay strong!
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  • edited April 2012
    I know what you're going through. When I got pregnant with aadyn, jason & I were back together & doing great, but no talk of getting remarried. Well, I had no insurance, health dept denied me and I didnt qualify for insurance from my job for a year. I had NO WAY to see a dr. Fast forward, and he and I are married again ;) lol dont get me wrong, im glad we did but it was originally for the insurance through his job.
  • Wow that's crazy, does your hubby know ? :/ @DavidnAadynsMama
  • Lol, yes he knows @clope18 We decided it together. I have a crazy back story of divorce, staying friends, then getting back together. We just hadnt discussed getting re-married yet. The "no insurance thing" kinda pushed the conversation along. But yes, he knows! Lol, it wasnt a shady move on my part tricking him into it for insurance lol
  • edited December 2012
  • Some people may see it as wrong, but it gave my child the best possible prenatal care, and he & I loved eachother so why not? Its not considered a pre existing condition (not through his insurance anyway) so everything was back dated & covered
  • edited December 2012
  • Exactly. I completely agree. We still wouldnt be married again if the situation hadnt played out the way it did
  • edited December 2012
  • What exactly do they do with a D&C? Im not familiar with the exact process
  • edited December 2012
  • Oh I see. Well if they "missed" the baby, wouldnt there be a good chance that everything would still be okay? Im not sure how it would or could affect the baby, if it wasnt actually suctioned out. Like I said, im not familiar with the process. I just dont understand how it could harm the baby if it wasnt removed. sorry if im bugging you with questions hun. Also, I found this http://www.misdiagnosedmiscarriage.com/mycommunity/viewtopic.php?t=43

    Quite a few "success" stories after a d&c
  • sounds crazy but that is just God working in your life congrats
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