ugh why isnt he crawling yet??

edited April 2012 in Pregnant
My lo is 8 months still bot crawling! !!! Am i the only one? Also when is it time to change them from a pack n play ti another soyrce of bedding such as cribs or ect. ?


  • I know nothing about the crawling but babies learn at different paces. If you are concerned that something may be wrong, make sure to talk to your pedi. As far as the crib, I think whenever you are comfortable doing it. Personally I would do it before a year cuz it will probably be harder the longer you wait. But, my lo isn't quite 5 months yet so I have no idea how I'll feel when it comes! LOL
  • my daughter is 7 months and has no interest in crawling i try not to worry because i know she will do it on her own time... i switched my lo to a crib at 5 months and it was hard on me but she sleeps so much better... bd did get me a video monitor tho! best thing ever
  • My daughter is 8 months tomorrow and is only doing a army crawl/ wiggle. She won't even attempt to sit up unattended. For the crib thing we switched her at 4 months and got an angel care monitor that sounds an alarm if she stops breathing or moving it helps me sleep.
  • My son is 7 months n not crawling yet either
  • My son didn't crawl until almost 9months where my nephew was walking and running by 9months.
  • My son isn't doing the typical crawl, but he army crawls everywhere and can stand up... My oldest son never crawled either, he also only army crawled. As for switching from the pack N play to his crib I did that about a month ago.
  • I wouldn't worry! He will in his own time! My FIL was telling me that my Hunny never crawled! He rolled everywhere he wanted to go, then one day he rolled to the coffee table pulled up and walked!
  • My daughter is 8 months as well and doesnt have any interest in crawling. She crawls like the army crawl.
  • My son is 8 months and still does not crawl and my firstborn didnt crawl at all till over a year and then one night he literally just crawled across the room, so Im not worried but I have increased tummy time and Im trying not to get him the toys he cant reach and instead let him get frustrated. Sounds harsh but hes so lazy and I run to his every whim so hes not going to ever learn if I do it :)
  • edited April 2012
    Every baby is different, my son is 6 months & he's already crawling. Don't rush it! Once baby starts crawling you're gonna wish he wasn't b/c then they get into EVERYTHING :O & as far as switching to the crib, just whenever you're ready. my son sleeps in his crib during the day, but at night he still sleeps in the room w/us in his pack n play. My bd said his step mom had his brother in it until he was 1
  • We switched our lo into her crib at 4 months and bought a monitor, it was hard the first night, but everyone sleeps better at night now. She is 5 months so I can't help with the crawling.
  • Like @clope18 said, every baby is different and NOT to rush it. My little one will be 6 months next week and is already rolling all over the place AND crawling. I miss the immobile stages because now I can't take my eyes off of her. Last night I found her up under the coffee table when I looked at my ipad for 1 minute. Also, my youngest brother didn't crawl at all. He sat up and scooted on his butt everywhere he wanted to go.
  • My 10 month old doesn't crawl but he just recently discovered he can roll around the room to get where he needs to go :)
  • edited April 2012
    Omgosh that's pretty funny
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