ok ok my pants officially don't fit :/

edited April 2012 in Second Trimester
I know I am pregnant but gosh I am sad. :'( I have gained like 15 pounds and I am only 17 weeks. I don't eat bad. Idk why I have gained so much. I feel like not just my belly is getting big but my arms and legs :( I am going to be so uncomfortable this summer!


  • You will lose it after baby comes..don't worry! This is the one time to not worry about your figure or count calories lol! I got a belly band wen I out grew my jeans and it worked really well..I wore them all through my pregnancy cause just by belly grew lol. I gained about 30 pounds and lost it all by 9 days post pardom :) no worried just take care of your self and that lo!!
  • Ya belly band works wonders. And my ass thighs arms belly all of it grew. Pregnancy is different for everyone. You might slow down on gaining weight the remainder of the pregnancy until the end. And I lived in yoga pants when I was pregnant lol
  • I've noticed my thighs have gotten bigger and I'm 19 Weeks :(
  • I don't think belly band would work for me. I have been using a hairtie to close my pants but my thighs and butt are definitely getting thicker lol. Ughhh. I hate to spend money on new pants and not know how long they will fit cuz idk how big I'll get! I just went to the thrift store and got some cute cargo pants and capris for $13! They will probably only fit a month but at least they were cheap lol. I haven't really announced my pregnancy just to close family. Maybe I will feel better when I announce cuz people will know I am pregnant and not just fat lol :(

  • I was the same way, not trying to make you sad but I ended up gaining 70 pounds. But I was also on bed rest. You can get maternity and just get them a little loose so if you continue to grow they will still fit by the end. Maternity pants are very forgiving. I only had one pair that didn't fit by the end and thats cuz the sales lady told me to get them tight cuz it would be better? I dunno, all the rest I got a little loose firing and they fit me the whole time. My butt, thighs, hips, arms and belly all got big. Good luck and continue to eat healthy and make sure you exercise!
  • Im huge and i havent a single pound and im 30 weeks so you just never know.
  • If you have a burlington i found capris there for like 10 bucks
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