Secondly time around.

edited March 2011 in November 2011
I am only 5 weeks pregnant with my 2nd and I am already so tired, bloated! I don't remember having symptoms this early the first time around.


  • Sux huh? I got sick before my missed period ... maybe your going to have a different gender baby this time... cuz ur hormones are acting different?
  • This our 4th...we have 2 girls and 1boy already. I didnt have morning sickness with any of them, I dont remember being exhausted all the time(in 6th week), and so irritable. I am older this time...30, but its not like thats ancient. But seriously...i am going crazy cause all I wanna do is sleep. I feel like im being unfair to our kiddos...they are 11,9, & 7, and dont understand why mommy needs more sleep and weekend naps:(
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  • I have a home based daycare and a couple of my parents keep joking around saying youre having twins! I dont know what we would do if that were true, but I know it scares the crud outta me! Lol
  • I'm tired and bloated at 5wks too. I'm trying not to compare to my last pg though as I ian twins, so bound to be different. I totally went off food for 14 wks last time, but now by the evening, I can't get enough food!
  • oh my gosh me either...if I can get passed the smell I will eat it. I am used to counting calories and staying under 1200 per day and since I found out I was preg on 2/20 I eat everything. I have gained 9lbs and kno I cant blame it on the pregnancy. I lost weight w my other 3 but was fat so I def looked pregnant. Im scared with this one im gonna be a whale:)
  • I'm only 4 weeks with my second and I'm exhausted too. I also have headaches and I'm already peeing constantly. Not sick yet tho. We're hoping the early symptoms will mean a boy this time.
  • I am so tired with this one, more so than my last. I was attributing it to my first being 10 months old, but reading what you all are writing maybe its just a girl.
  • edited March 2011
    I'm 5 weeks with my second 2 and I feel really sick can no longer eat certain things peeing all the time and soooo tired when I was pregnant with my son I was just a bit sicky and that was it so hoping we're team pink this time :D x
  • I started cramping on tues with a lil spotting...had to pee constantly. Had labs done wed am and have a bad uti. Praise God nothing was wrong with our baby!
  • OMG I'm so glad that someone else knows how I feel. I am 6 weeks and I feel bloated, I can't eat anything, and I'm so exhausted. With my son, I was nowhere like this.
  • Second time around for us too:-) I slept constantly with my son. This time I am fatigued but ok. But I am soooooo bloated! Only 4 1/2 weeks and my jeans are snug :-(
  • I am five weeks. This time around I have no symptoms other then always being hungry. Also had negative tests until I was a week late. With the my first I tested early and had super sensitive smell and was nauseous. I makes me a bit worried that I have no symptoms but I have had Miscarriage before so I guess I am just super paranoid.

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