Anyone get an early ultrasound?

edited March 2011 in November 2011
Hey ladies! New to the forum but I really like it so far! I am due Nov. 10th and have five year old twins. I miscarried in September at 10 weeks so my doc wants to do an ultrasound at six weeks to "check for viability". I was just wondering if anyone else has had an ultrasound that early? What were you able to see? I'm hoping if it's healthy we might see a heartbeat. With my twins I didn't get an ultrasound until 20 weeks! Which is when I found out it was twins! It will be weird getting one so very early!


  • I had one at 6 weeks also because of a prior mis carriage its quite normal. Then I had one at 9 weeks and then 19
  • I had my first on at 6 1/2 weeks!! Im high risk, I have had 11 ultrasounds and im 25 weeks now! Good luck I hope everything goes well!!
  • You might be able to see a heart beat but I only had ultrasounds at 8 weeks an all u can see is the sack a head an a little body its to early to see arms an legs but they are there
  • Hi just got home from er visit. I've had 2 m/c and prego now around 5 wks per ultrasound and 6wks per hcg levels. They only saw a sac and yolk. I am high risk also, so its normal that they do ultrasounds early they just want to know that everything is going alright.
  • Thanks! What did everyone else see at six weeks? Anyone see a heartbeat that early? I read if you detect a heartbeat the risk of miscarriage declines significantly.
  • I had one to be able to calculate my due date due to irregular periods (didn't concieve until Sept but hadn't had a period since that April). They used the transvaginal wand, and we were able to see the heartbeat and a bean at 6 wks.
  • At my 6w0d scan I saw the baby inside aa sac with a yolk sac and a sweet lil heart beat!!
  • I was 6wks 6days and I saw a sac and a little bean moving around... they also saw a heartbeat 8->
  • I have my early u\s scheduled tomorrow and ill be 5 weeks 4 days with my oldest saw a hb at 6 weeks 1 day.
  • I had a mc then had ivf to have my twins. With the boys I had a viability scan at 6wks and saw their heartbeats. I'm desperate to have one this time as this pg is natural and i'm high risk.
  • Im due nov 9 I had an u/s @ 4 weeks im going back for another next monday
  • I had one when I was 5 weeks along and all the doctor seen was a stick
  • I had one a little after 6 weeks and we were able to see a heartbeat...also got babys first picture as you can see in my profile
  • I had an early ultrasound to determine how far along I was. That day I was 5 weeks and 6 days and saw the hearbeat. :)
  • Heartbeat*
  • i will be having 1 tomorrow! I cant wait, i am so anxious cuz two was done at the emergency room but doctors did not see anything... so i am hoping to see something tomorrow! They have been checking my hormone levels since and is been rising at normal levels! Am at 6 weks and 4 days tomorrow! wish me luck! Best of luck to all and congrats on being able to see your babies!
  • Im only 6 weeks too... did yall have to ask for an u/s or do they jus offer it??
  • U can go to the e.r and tell them ur in pain n they will probaby do it, mind you they will draw blood, might give u an iv, but its up to you! Every hospital is different but you can also request! It all depends on how the doctor is or hospital!
  • With my first I had an us at 5 and 6 weeks due to abdominal pain and high hcg levels. At 5 weeks I could only see a sac. At 6 weeks he looked luke a grain of rice and you could see a very small heartbeat.
  • You shouldn't go to the er unless you really need to. It clogs up the er and makes people that really need it wait longer. It's one of the biggest problems our healthcare in the us faces. Plus taxpayers pay for your care if you don't have private insurance. Sure if you really need it, go, but don't make something up to be seen.
  • I had one to determine how far along i was since i only menstrate like 4 times a year.... I was 7 weeks... it looked like a peanut but i saw and heard the heartbeat. :) I go again in about two weeeks for my 11-12 week one.
  • I had one at 6 weeks also to see how far I was since period disappeared. I heard the heartbeat as well.
  • I had problems with bleeding and was at risk for a miscarriage. So the dr did a vaginal ultrasound when I was 5wks and 6 days. They (twins) just looked like little blobs but we could see the heartbeats! The heartbeats looked like a little flicker on the screen.
  • I get a "mini u/s" April 1. I can't wait! Hopefully, they will figure out how far along I am then. I am either 12 weeks or 8 weeks right now.
  • You can really see the heartbeat?! That's so exciting. Hopefully I get an u/s wen I go to the doctors on the 30th :)
  • edited March 2011
    My first doc appt is at 6 weeks and 2 days.. I had a m/c about a yr and half ago. So im hoping to have an u/s to make sure all is well.. ill be seen on the28 th so wish me luck :)
  • I had an ultrasound at almost 6wks and saw two sacs (im having twins) but the ultrasound tech could see the heartbeat, she showed me but I couldnt see cuz they were SO small, then had one at 9 weeks then 12 and I go again at 17 1/2 weeks :)
  • six weeks is soo far away!! :) I guess I'm due around the end of Nov. I just now missed a period..still reluctant to get a hpt...NERVOUS!! :)
  • edited March 2011
    ive had one at 4wks6days!
    cud only c yolk sac and the flicker of the heartbeat
    but it certainly assured us something was there :) goodlckk
  • Dd11/4 had ultrasound at 5w3d bc I mc in dec. All I could see was the placenta &yolk sac no pregnancy. Go back in 2w 9w 3 day so im exited bc I know my baby.will resemble a baby....dont want to mc.again pray for me guys
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