"Coming Home" TV show (brings me to tears)

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
This TV show is the most touching remarkable thing I have ever seen!! The US soldiers surprise their family members with most touching way. I don't have anybody from the army or in the force of any kind but watching this show breaks my heart and brings me into tears! Having those families away from their loved ones must be so hard! God bless those moms that are preg without having their loved one there to support them. and raising kids on their own. Those are the strongest moms out there and I respect you guys so much! May God truly bless you and ur families!


  • My husband is a Marine and has been in for almost 5 years....watching that show last night made me realize that will be him and our daughter one day...
  • Omg I watched it last nite I felt like a big baby I sat there an jus cried
  • I cried the entire time I watched it! I love it!! My husband was in the Marine Corps and just got out a couple months ago. We went through 2 deployments togethet so watching those homecomings brought back sooo many memories. God bless our troops...past, present & future! <3
  • yea I know...it's very very touching...I cried throughout the whole thing!
  • I watched it last night and that look in the boys eyes when he saw his dad and the way he said dad it was so touching
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