anybody due at the end of October?

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Due October 26th and looking for some preggos I can relate to since all my preggo friends are ready to POP :P


  • Im due the 26th toooooo!
  • I'm due Oct 31
  • Awesome! Either of you feeling sick? I feel like I'm about to throw up my guts but it just started like a couple days ago
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  • Your English is fine :) yeah I felt fine till a couple days ago so I wanted to see if anyone else was getting sick this early on too
  • I am due a week after u early nov. Nov 3rd to be exact. And I get queezy but haven't actually vomited yet
  • Due oct 31 ( I think lol) with my second. No nausea yet. Almost wish I was tho cuz I know your less likely to mc when u have morning sickness :(
  • I thought I was due the 28 but im due october 26 :)
  • Morning sickness and miscarrying are not in anyway related. Just b/c u get it doesn't mean ur less likely to m/c.
  • I'm due Oct. 29th. :-) DH & I have been trying for almost 2 yrs. Plus the time it took us to find each other! (I'm 36, he's 32.)

    I've been feeling vaguely nauseated, but I do have LOTS of indigestion. Nausea is worse when indigestion flares up. :p
  • Ive had nausea since 5 weeks...coulda been my prenatal though
  • Ohhh first pregnancy I didn't get sick till I was 8 weeks and it lasted till I was 16 weeks so I was pretty surprised I got sick so early....hopefully it goes away soon for all of us lol I hate vomiting
  • I'm due october 31 and I have mornin sickness...wish I didn't tho :(
  • Actually there are studies that show morning sickness is related to a lower likelihood of miscarriage. I also just read that in "Your pregnancy week by week". And my friend is an OB and said the same thing. I had twins and was very sick, then my last pregnancy I had no sickness whatsoever and ended up miscarrying at ten weeks. Even if it is totally unrelated, I will be relieved when I start getting sick with this one. Sounds stupid but that's how I feel haha! ;)
  • Lol makes me feel a little bit better about throwing up all the time
  • Hi I am due Nov 1 and am having little cramps on and off and today light spotting. Is this normal?
  • I'm due oct. 2nd... but if the baby is anything i was it'll come out 2weeks later around my birthday! I've been feeling really sick! Blah not fun
  • I am due oct 25. Congrats everyone! I haven't had too many bad symptoms yet. Just sore boobs and peeing a lot. No nausea or sickness. I already went to the dr for my first u/s and heard the heartbeat. It was amazing!!!
  • Im due oct 22.. breast are sore. The smell of cooked ham makes me want to loose it. I started feeling a little pukey in the middle of the night. I wake up to pee two or three times a light. Just heard the heart beat:) I was spotting the other day turns out I have a blood clot.
  • @t_rogers i am also due the 22nd! Have been so sick. Hoping that stops soon! Have 2 ultrasounds already and got to see the heartbeat on Monday! Congratulations to everyone!
  • First doc visit was today.8 wks due Oct 19th...sooo sick, ugh. Been sick since week three. First baby
  • I am due Oct 31 and I just started getting,sick this week. It stinks so bad! I hope it stops in the second trimester.
  • Depending on my crazy cycle, I should be due between October 28 & November 1. Have to wait for the Dr to get an official date. I wanted a Halloween baby with my first, but he was born November 13. This time I may get my wish! I started getting sick almost 2 weeks before I missed my period. Last time it started a week after I found out & it was awful. I only made it to work maybe 2 days a week until I was around 7 months. So far just a little nausea with this one. I hope that's as bad as it gets this time!
  • Due Oct 28!! :)
  • .im due october 31st wid 2nd bby// first bby was born on october 25th. He,s 2 yrs old now...hoping for a grl this time.
  • my estimated due date is Oct. 31st im excited & nervous all @ once! Just joined so lookin for other moms to relate to
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