hopefully #3 is my lucky #######
12-1-12 is my due date. 3rd pregnancy in a yr and & 3 months. I lost Caleb on 6-10-11 he was born with angel wings at 20 weeks & lost a set of twins on 11-27-11 after a car accident. Fingers crossed ladys.
Previous 4-14-2009 28weeks measuring 20-22wks
I took the oral Progesterone at 4 ish and some pink/ brown light spotting this morning but as of now it has seemed to go away aging. The dr will call me tomorrow to see up my first appointment. I'm still not trying to have my hopes to high and when the friends who do know I'm prego ask how things are going I've kind of just shrugged it off. My dh is also trying to keep me in good spirits but for me its just easier to expect the worse and if good does come out of it then I guess I really won't know what to so lol.
Thank you ladys for all your lovely words I'm so glad I so have you all for balmy support group. Dh & I made a packed before we knew we were pregnant this time that I waz gonna hide it from as many people and for as long as I can. Even though he says I already have a little bump, I figure if teen-age girls can hide it from their parents aorta can I. I think all in all only bout 10 people know as of eight now in my life. Neither set of grandparents do and neither family members have any idea. My best friend asked how long I would wait to even say anything on my fb and I told her not until my baby is in my arms and I can ask if people would like to meet him/her. Does this sound crazy too????? One more day down 9,999 more to go lmfao.
The progesterone really seemed to help me besides all those nasty symptoms doc said my uterus is growing beautifully.
I hope that this baby sticks we didnt want to tell anyone etheir till we passed the danger zone. Last time we told everyone I ended up having a mc. It was horrible to had to tell everyone again that we weren't pregnant anymore. We didn't wait though for some reason I kept telling myself that everything was goofy to be ok I went to the doc as soon as I got my positive pgncy test the baby wasn't even in the sac yet but she got me started on the medication.
And she is treating me with much caution
My husband keeps telling me everything is going to be ok and helping me out with our one year old a lot
At least I know if somethig bad happens god forbid he was there
I hope this baby is sticky for you we can go through this together!,
I picked up 81 mg of low dose asprin chewable so fingers crossed all stays well.