having issues... :(

I'm starting to get kind of depressed...I really don't have any friends anymore and I'm always stuck in the house doing nothing. I don't work I just take care of my daughter and I'm expecting my second in July....and I can't help but think that after that I'm really gonna be doing nothing....its not even like I wanna be out partying and clubbing I just wish I had some friends to hang out with and talk to. But I can feel it getting worse day by day and I don't like it....


  • Its gonna be ok I don't have many friends, but some people act funny and don't wanna be your friend any more once you have kids and I'm having my second one in september so people really feel some type of way but I don't care cause I don't like going out and I love being a mom. How about going out with your daughter and having fun with her that might make you feel better. And you have friends on here so that counts
  • I know what u mean I've had the same problem. My husband is a truck driver to boot
  • I feel you. Im a sahm and my hubby takes the car to work so Im always stuck home. I feel like the walls are gunna close in on me. If the weather is nice try taking a walk. It helps me feel a lil better :)
  • @jazzie its hard to really go out and have fun with my daughter cause shes not at that age yet.
    @candy101 that must be hard. My husband is a firefighter so he's always finding a reason to go to the station.
    I dont think it would be that bad if i had my own place but we're living with my inlaws and i hate it.
  • @a_wagner My daughter is 6 months and we have fun she loves to play
  • Ouch, inlaws thats bad. It is hard we both drove until I was 7.5 months along. My belly didn't like fitting behind the wheel anymore so i had to quit. Not to mention my husband decided our son was breech because all the bouncing got him stuck butt down lol.
  • I feel ya! I am 18 weeks pregnant with my first. But bd works and I stay at home and have school online. Sometimes I get depressed. I dont hang out with any of my old friends anymore. I need to make some pregnant friends I think lol.
  • @rjr33 yeah i feel like i need to make some friends with kids but it's harder than it sounds when your a stay at home mom...you cant just walk out on the street and say oh do you have kids? Will you be my friend!? Lol
  • edited April 2012
    There's a website called meetup.com and they have a ton of mommy groups who have kids and go and hang out to talk.. they also have mommy excercise groups where u can bring your kids..sucks because they always meet up when I'm at work but you should check the site out
  • Haha I know! I am shy already I suck at making friends lol. I was thinking about trying to find a pregnancy yoga class or something. Idk where you live but maybe there is some kind of mommy baby play groups or something.
  • @kayleigh27 we were thinking on the same track lol I am gonna check out that site.
  • Yeah you can meet a lot of people on there with the same interests as you and its not going to be some creeper who you don't know lol
  • I have like no friends either but I take my kids to local library for story time and a free play group at The ymca for some socialization.
  • im here if u need a friend ; ) im n th same boat
  • Thanks @roxy it'd be so great if you ladies werent spread across the country.
  • i know right lol were u from
  • Northern va
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