Ok ladys I have to vent about this.....on Monday when the nurse for my dr called and gave me my hcg levels and progestrone levels from that Friday I asked her if I should continue to give blood. She said no, that the dr saw that they doubled and that he's worried bout my proges. Level which was 9. I got another prescription called in and started taking it that day. She also said that she would call me back to set my first appointment date. I gave her until weds afternoon and she never called so I called the clinic and made one myself for the 1st. Here's the kicker, now my dr is an hr away from where we live and my dh and I were already heading down to that town to get a refill another perscription I have when the nurse calls me. She tells me the dr wants to see me 4 weeks after I ovulated for my first ultrasound and that I need to go get a blood pregnancy test done. I laughed and told her look and read my chart why now? so u want me to do a pregnancy test when my hcg levels have gone from 107 to 1779. Clearly I'm pregnant in some way lol. I'm not paying for a pregnancy test. I have private insurance but still have a share of cost/ co pay. I'm so aggrivated by this point because back on the Monday phone call with her I asked twice if the dr wanted me to continue with my hcg testing and she said "no" twice and in a way like I was waisting her time to even ask. Also since almost 4 weeks of them knowing I'm pregnant I told her from the start I don't know when I ovulated because my clear blue fertility monitor wigged out on me so I stopped using it. Thinking I wasn't going to get knocked up that month anyway. She tells me today that the dr was hoping that I was ontop of it and that I would know-I'm. Like wtf why am I doing half ur job your suppose to figure out my dd and conception date etc. Your the ob clinic. I don't know if its just my harmones but I'm already fead up with them that I told my dh that one more mistake and ill leave them. What would you ladys do? Oh what one more thing so she also said that he wanted to see me. Asap so that I can start to take my heprin which is 250$ a month copay with insurance even though we've talked numberas times that I wouldn't have to start any of my blood thinner until I reach 30 weeks or go down on my best rest. Idk what to think right now and of course this big kind hearted nurse does all this 5 minuts before the clinic closes for the weekend. Now she can go home enjoy her weekend while I get to wait an ponder everything. Ugh I hate any medical profssional its the only job in the world you can fuck up someones life and still hold her job........ok that's enough from me blood pressure needs to come down. Any input though would be nice. Thanks
@TimeBandit@SalasMommy im due right after u guuys, maby we can all be belly buttys together. i may have not ben through the things u ladys have but for some reason im scard to death imma have a mc at one point. have eather of u had an ultrasound yet?
Since I am high risk as soon as i got the positive preggo test March 28 I went to the doc the 30th she only saw the baby sac no baby yet
On April 13th i got another ultrasound baby was there and we heard a heartbeat thank god. I have to wait till a month to get my other ultrasound age says she hopes she can guess the sex but if I schedule two weeks after for sure she will be able to tell.me the sex.
Nurse called me this morning, hcg from Friday was at 4550 she said it seemed fine to her that they would see me next Tuesday and asked if I was taking a baby asprin everyday which I am. She didn't even remember anything she's put me through from this weekend. My question though is my levels a little low for being almost 8 weeks? I mean there going up but from 1779 to 4550 in a week doesn't seem right for some reason. Maybe I'm wrong hopefully not and that we get to see our baby on Tuesday. I don't trust anything she says now so just cause she said "seems fine" doesn't comfort me. Just thought id update.
@TimeBandit, i cant remember if i told you i was pregnant again. My due date was dec17th. My birthday but now they say i am 5 weeks so christmas. However i will be happy to make it to dec. I cant remember your story, sorry. Do you have incompetent cervix? Are you on bedrest right now? Are you on facebook? Or joined rainbow babies group. I am glad your numbers doubled. I had an ultra sound on monday and it looked like i had a sac in the uterus. I have another ultra sound on monday. I will be praying for you.
Also since almost 4 weeks of them knowing I'm pregnant I told her from the start I don't know when I ovulated because my clear blue fertility monitor wigged out on me so I stopped using it. Thinking I wasn't going to get knocked up that month anyway. She tells me today that the dr was hoping that I
was ontop of it and that I would know-I'm. Like wtf why am I doing half ur job your suppose to figure out my dd and conception date etc. Your the ob clinic. I don't know if its just my harmones but I'm already fead up with them that I told my dh that one more mistake and ill leave them. What would you ladys do?
Oh what one more thing so she also said that he wanted to see me. Asap so that I can start to take my heprin which is 250$ a month copay with insurance even though we've talked numberas times that I wouldn't have to start any of my blood thinner until I reach 30 weeks or go down on my best rest. Idk what to think right now and of course this big kind hearted nurse does all this 5 minuts before the clinic closes for the weekend. Now she can go home enjoy her weekend while I get to wait an ponder everything. Ugh I hate any medical profssional its the only job in the world you can fuck up someones life and still hold her job........ok that's enough from me blood pressure needs to come down. Any input though would be nice. Thanks
Since I am high risk as soon as i got the positive preggo test March 28 I went to the doc the 30th she only saw the baby sac no baby yet
On April 13th i got another ultrasound baby was there and we heard a heartbeat thank god. I have to wait till a month to get my other ultrasound age says she hopes she can guess the sex but if I schedule two weeks after for sure she will be able to tell.me the sex.
Nurse called me this morning, hcg from Friday was at 4550 she said it seemed fine to her that they would see me next Tuesday and asked if I was taking a baby asprin everyday which I am. She didn't even remember anything she's put me through from this weekend.
My question though is my levels a little low for being almost 8 weeks? I mean there going up but from 1779 to 4550 in a week doesn't seem right for some reason. Maybe I'm wrong hopefully not and that we get to see our baby on Tuesday. I don't trust anything she says now so just cause she said "seems fine" doesn't comfort me. Just thought id update.