so sad I have had a miscarriage

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I am so sad today I found out I have had a miscarriage this is my second 1 now and I am feeling like I will never be able to fall pregnant again I have to go to hospital on wednesday to have a d & c I really want to have a baby but I feel so scared to try again now in fear that this will happen again I am sorry to have to post this but I just need to talk to anyone who is happy to lend a shoulder my husband is just as gutted but I just feel that all though he feels sad for us both that he doesn't really understand what I am really going through I always had it in the back of my head that it could happen again but things were going so well and I know there am women out there that can not have children at all and I am greatful for the children I have bless them but I so want another baby and the feeling is so strong and it wont go away please dont judge I just need some positive vibes right now


  • Om sorry I can relate I'm 15 weeks went and had an ultasound done and they couldnt pick up a heartbeat this is the sadest day of my life, when i got up this moring i was so happy so enegetic not imagining the news i was about to recieve later on.. i did not imagine that i would go thru this again, in late 2009 i lost my baby at 6months, but i guess god needed back his little angels, its so hard giving birth to a baby that u have been wating for only to see him dead, thats is a very hard experince, ladies i wish u all the best in may you all have a safe and healthy pregnacy..
  • Omg im so sorry yall are in my prayers reading this im sitting in the laundry mat bawling my eyes out while everyone looks at me crazy
  • Aw please dont cry I think I have done enough for everyone bless @may1mommatobe x. @jenny1973 I am so sorry to hear about your news I know you am right god needed more little angles x
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