So nervous...I have my u/s appt today

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
I had an u/s last week and saw the sac and a tiny dot. The dr wants me to go back today and do another u/s she said my little seed should be double the size it was last week. Praying and hoping all goes well.


  • @Cali83- they have changed my EDD again to Oct. 23, but last week we got to see the heartbeat which was soooooo comforting. I hope your ultrasound goes well! I totally understand how anxious you are! Good luck, can't wait to hear how it went!
  • How did it go today????
  • edited March 2011
    @kalvarez- aww how exciting I am so glad that you were able to hear a hb:) yes, I hate waiting I was grumpy all day at work. I will keep you updated.
    @landynplus1momma-I am on my way to the dr's right now:)
  • Good luck keep me posted :)
  • Aw good luck!
  • Hope you get good news! Let us know!
  • I had my first ultrasound today and I got to see the heartbeat and the tech was surprised as I am only 5 weeks 3 days
  • edited March 2011
    Update- I just wanted to update you ladies. We saw our lil peanut and we also got to hear the heartbeat 125bpm!!!! I was so happy I cried and I can't stop smiling:) Ladies, thanks for all of your support. She also said I'm not as far along as I thought I was I am only 6 wks 3 days.
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  • Uuuyyy si gracias a dioscito. Me sentia tan nerviosa no pude comer ahora por los nervios. Gracias Ibbett por todos tus buenos deseos. Vas a ver q a ti tambien te va ire bien y cuando menos esperes ya va ser el 15:)
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  • Felicidades chikas que envidia(pero de la buena;))! Yo voi asta el 21... Estoy contando los dias porke la primera cita a que fui mi doctor no pudo verlo ni oirlo dijo ke era muy temprano tenia 5 semanas ahora tengo 8 semanas y estoy nerviosa i ansiosa!
  • Muchas gracias:) si me emocione tanto. Si ya pa las 8 semanas ya vas a mirar a tu semillita. Yo no podia parar d yorar.
  • Awww que emocionante! Creo que voi a lloriquiar tmb:)
  • si yo creo q si asta a mi esposo le salieron unas lagrimas.
  • @Cali83- that's how far along I was when we saw the heartbeat... 6 wks 3 days! It's so exciting, especially after a m/c, since you are anxious all the time! So excited for you. Congrats!
  • @kalvarez-aww really? It is very exciting you always expect the worse aftr m/c. I'm glad things are going great with you:) take care of yourself and keep us updated. Thanks for all your support.
  • Congratulations! I'm so so nervous for my ultrasound. I will be 6 weeks 1 day and had a miscarriage a few months ago. I so badly want to see a heartbeat but worry it might be too early, and that would be torture waiting again! Anyways congrats it must be a huge relief to see that little heartbeat!
  • I know that feeling all too well. I'm sorry to hear you had a mc. I also had one last year it was devastating. I went in last week and only saw the sac and a little dot so I was worrying all this past week. I hope you get to see a heart beat right away so you don't have to wait like I did:) good luck to you. Let me know how it goes.
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