So I'd like to vent for a moment if you please. Me and my cousins gf, chasity, both just had babies this past October. There baby wasn't planned nor do they have the means to take care of her. I bought her her stroller and carseat and diapers wipes and a bunch of essentials and clothes. Keep in mind i had my lo.on the way too. Chasity lives with her mom and her mom has to buy EVERYTHING. The baby needs. They don't have jobs. AJ & Chas fight all the time. And they barely hold their daughter. They just stick her in her carseat. And if she cries they just shove a bottle in her mouth. It doesn't matter if she's hungry or not.

Well guess what? THEY'RE PREGNANT AGAIN. With another baby they can't afford to have. 16wks, due OCTOBER 9TH. Like what the hell were they thinking? Its called birth control and its recommended for a reason. I feel sorry for Aubrey, their lo, and now the baby on the way. It saddens me to know how aubrey is being raised and the new baby will be the same.

They have decided to be excited which woo fucking hoo. Great for them. I will NOT congratulate this. All babies are blessings but they should also be treated like one. Babies should also be blessed with great parents. Not half assed lazy ones. Im not perfect but god I atleast try.

Not trying to set anyone off. Just needed that vent.


  • Ugh that's gotta be hard to watch. Poor babies :(
  • I feel what you're saying and its so sad when babies are born to two lazy ass parents...maybe if her mom put some fire up under their asses they'll get out and do something! Tell her that the health department and planned parenthood gives away free birth control, she should go and get some if their going to continue to be lazy parents!!
  • @tootie08 she has an ob and has Wic. Her ob is my old ob. I know he pushes for bc and Wic pushes you too. I was on Wic 4yrs ago. Im not now but im sure they still push you to get on it.
  • @Starrxoxo9 it is hard. I wish i could take all the babies with half assed lazy parents and give them to loving parents who can take care of them and love them the right way.
  • That's fd up I have known a few shitty moms never take their baby out of the car seat I mean if you get tired of sitting on a chair the babies get tired of sitting in there ughh!! Ppl these days -___-
  • @salasmommy i know right? And when they take their baby to AJs aunts they never take enough stuff (ie.diapers wipes formula) and she ends up having to go out to the store.
  • I see this a lot. It makes me mad. There are people out there that would give an arm and a leg for such blessings
  • @proudmomma i may be 21 and have 2 children and no job, but i made sure i had the money to support them before i quit working. And i interact with my children plus i have my niece since she doesn't like her mom. Yesterday we ALL painted. Even my 6month old. I play with her all day. Every day. Even when i have that migraine from hell. Even when i haven't slept. They'll sleep and let the baby scream. Its horrible.
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  • I'm so sick of dead beat parents!!! my sister in law was an alcoholic, drug addict when she found out she was pregnant, she planned on having an abortion so she continued to drink and party, well she didn't know quite how far along she was so abortion was out of the question.. Now that the baby is here, he's 8 months, and you can just tell that there is something wrong and I feel horrible for this poor baby that had no choice. They dont hold him to feed him and they never have, they've always propped the bottle up for him, they make me sick!!!
  • I have a cousin like that...her first was a boy and she wanted a girl...poor little boy didn't even know how to speak at age 4! When she got her girl, she spent all her time taking care of her, and teaching her things, the other one was just left to do what ever he wanted, and wasn't taught anything :(
  • Oh and they were never bathed! They would go places covered in mud, no shoes, and just filthy. I wished CPS would of taken them from her.
  • @Ericka22 Wow, I've never heard anything like that! I know a lot of people wish for a specific sex of the baby when they're pregnant but when its all said and done, I thought every woman would just be happy to have a healthy baby. That's a crying shame...Poor kids, my heart breaks for them. I couldn't imagine not giving my baby the love and attention that she wants and needs!
  • This shit infuriates me. I have a cousin like that. She had 4 kids, gave the 5th up for adoption, and a year later, she's pregnant with baby #6. Like wtf, do you not understand what bc or keeping your legs together means?? The worst part about it is, she's a crack head and has had her kids taken from her, and she has flat out told us that she refuses to get in bc because new baby = more government assistance. Pisses me the hell off.
  • Her in illinois if you're low income you can get medicaid if you have a child. It makes bc FREE. Wic here takes place at the health department, which once again gives out FREE condoms and $7 birth control.
  • Call cps and the police if you see children being neglected makes me sick. I have 5 little girls all under the age of 12, and NONE of my kids ever went without...even when I was a single Mom. I have always put my babies needs before mine, and so does my Husband. That breaks my heart to know those babies are forced to have shitty ass parents. :-(
  • I've seen some people like that. It angers me. I can't believe how heartless people can really be. X(
  • Wow, all these stories saddend me. Poor babies. If I had a lot of money id take those babies in whose mom didn't give a s*it
  • I swear the government needs population.control her and every couple shouldnt be freely able to reproduce
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  • Umm yeah I see this alot working in day care. A farther with 2 meets a mother of 1. (already on every county thing possible housing, wic, day care assistance), they get pregnant have a baby a year ago & are now expecting their 5th child 2nd together. Its pretty sad. Its like just because you can get pregnant doesn't mean its responsible to have one.
  • @babyluv8 Exactly! It makes me mad!
  • Wow...if you cant afford them don't breed them. I understand not all poor parents treat their kids terrible but kids need LOVE and support to help them thrive. My cousin is the same way. Had a baby always kept her at my 80 yr old grandmas house to care for her. My grandma practically RAISED her! She had another kid some years down the line and did the same Damn thing with this one. Then shes always on facebook talking about "how hard it is to raise kids" and how she "loves being a mother"! Made me pissed off so I just deleted her off X(
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