Fourth child

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
I'm in for another beautiful journey with my fourth child


  • @Yvette i am right there w you i already have 3 girls just found yesterday that # 4 is on the way. May we both have good healtha and luck for the next 9 months and beyond
  • I am pregnant with my fourth also.
  • I am also preg wit # 4 I have 2 gurls and 1 boy and hoping for another boy
  • Also having baby #4 its funny when people ask if this is my first and I say no this is number I have 2 boys one who passed away and a daughter with another girl on the way.
  • This is also number 4 for me also and ppl ask me y would you have any more kids I looove my 3 I already have and have known for a long time I always wanted at least 4 and im soo excited for number 4
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