Congrats @cicelia. Im on baby #4 as well. Its so exciting. I have.3boys so im hopin 4 my girl. Lol. As lng as the baby is healthy though but sme pink wld b nice 4 a chnge
@Tinknbob how did you us go? I had mine March 1 and everything looked good saw the heart beat and the lil peanut was moving around a lot. Congrats to everyone!
@Tinknbob that's great! My next one is April 1. If things are all going well that's the day ill spread the news to my friends and family (not including parents and mil they already know) I figured I could mess with some of my friends with an April fools day joke that turns out real lol...I'm a trickster at heart. @oc86 congrats!!
Morning ladies. I'm due Oct 3 which is my moms birthday. Hoping to make it, if not I'll settle for my bday which is 2 weeks prior! First baby btw! Sooooo excited! wishing all you ladies a safe delivery of a healthy baby. Btw, rubbing for a boy!
Im 11wks 2day. I was 9wks whn I started this discussion. Lol. Awww did they tell u babies hb. I had u/s on the 9th. Im goin for quad screen u/s on the 25th & have 2nd ob appt the 24th. @adri805
I was like what the heck Haha duhhh sorry!! No they didn't tell me crap which they should have after keeping the baby daddy n I waiting for an hour. She jus said look at the heart beat. Omg is it jus me or does my baby have a huge head??? Haha
@adri805 they shouldve at least told you something. I would be so mad. Lol they grow into their head. Whens your next appt? Good luck & keep me posted.
Thanks same to u. Honestly idk. They scheduled me for a physical n diet appt whatever that is. I was overwhelmed thinking about how to schedule them around work plus my daughters dentist apps that it didn't even cross my mind. When is yours??? Is it selfish of me to not want to work n e more...mainly when baby arrives. I dont want to have anyone watch my baby except me. Breastfeeding seems like It will b super hard to do if I will b working
@adri805 my appt is the 24th. I have no clue what your appt would be for. Thats crazy. I dont think your being selfish. If you dont want to work & you feel it would be better if you where at home then be at home with your kids. I wouldnt want anybody else to watch my kids either if I was breastfeeding regardless if you can pump or not. Thats just my point of view though. Good luck. Ill keep you posted.
@tinknbob I totally agree with u. With my first I was a stay at home n breasfed for a yr n two months. I think it would b too hard to drop of ur newborn with some1 else n then have to head to work. Even if it was a family member. I would feel better knowing it was. A trustworthy person but it wouldnt change the fact that its not u. I hope that appt is not a waste of my time. I'm normal...not super skinny or not heavier then I should b. This is my second so its not like I don't know what is healthy or not. It has been a while since I was prego so I was wondering how far apart appts are.
@adri805 Every month rite nw. I have 3 boys so I agree with you on knowing whats healthy and whats not. I hope you dont waist your time either. I would feel better with a family member but I agree its not you and you want that bond with your new born which is very understandable.
I'm due October 3, 10 weeks along with baby #1
Congrats to everyone!
@oc86 congrats!!
@LittleFae. That's so funny, the April Fools joke also came to my mind. That would be interesting lol
Me too! I can wait I'm soo excited I want a boy sooo bad!