Electrical cord cut while power was on!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So me and my husband got I a bad argument tonight and he went and took off the side view mirrors on my car so I got pissed and cut the cord on his 55" tv cause thats his world well the tv was on when I did it and it was like a big firework with a pop noise and all the lights in my living room went off my finger burns and I have a very bad headache I'm 11 weeks pregnant so you think this could have affect my baby our should I take headache medicine and go to bed?


  • You should go to the er. I don't know what kind of affect it may have but better safe than sorry. Good luck to you
  • Why did he take off the side mirrors was that part of the argument.
  • No him just being hateful like he broke them off my car cause he can't put hands on me since im pregnant and not to mention he its a drunk 6 8.1 beers then this over nothing
  • Yea I was not thinking at all I'm going to go ahead and go to the er I don't wanna lose my baby our anything happen to it although apart of me thinks I have a headache from bring stressed and the bright light from when I cut it.
  • @coolbabybeans I agree go to the ER NOW!
  • U electricuted urself and could have quite possibly killed the baby I hope that is not the case but u should be more careful
  • Yea he is but its.not all the time it will be like every other month our skip a few. This pregnancy was a big surprise.
  • If ur guy is physically abusive u need to leave I went through that and when I had his child it got worse and he ended up beatin our son when he was 6 months old and almost killed him don't subject ur child to that
  • I'm trying my best to get out sorry to hear that but it does make me think.i will update you guys tomorrow my phone is going dead and I left the charger at home with him where I'm not going back tonight thank you ladies.
  • @tiff87124 completely agree and @jasminep it will only get worse and mostly likely he will treat ur child the same way if he will be abusive to u he will do it to the baby my son was in intensive care for over a week and taken from me because of the fact that the father had hit me before so it was seen as my fault too so please get urself out before he kills u or even the baby I had a broken nose and a split open skull and a almost dead baby to show for what I went through by staying don't let this be u too
  • Def go to the er I got electricuted and ended up having a m/c good luck hope ur outcome is better than mine
  • I got electricuted when I was 5 months. Everything was fine but scared the crap outta me! Go to the ER for sure! Oh and leave that abusive man of yours...not worth it, it will be harder to leave when the baby comes! Also no matter how little the abuse occurs it still has lasting effects. You may be able to rationalize this but an infant or toddler can't! If you are having trouble leaving contact DHS or an area social service agency.
  • Yea the baby is fine and I'm ok thanks for asking.I'm staying at my mothers for now.
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