TMI....BUTi need to kno!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Hi.. I'm 9wks n since I've been preggers I have not been n da mood for sex like at all :-S n I give at least a few x's aweek just cuz my poor bf is like a horn dog at all times big n pregnant or not! Lol! My last pregnancy we hardly did anything it was rough on him too! Well I do oral but really never want to n denying him that da 9wks too but since I dnt wnt sex should I just suck it up "literally" lol n give da oral on top of da couple days of sex.. think he'll b satisfied????


  • Your bf has it good compared to mine ): oral literally makes me vomit and I have to force myself to have sex and Im just not In the poor bd
  • Yeah mines worse LOL
    We haven't done anything since Sep and now we're on doctors orders not to have sex. Luckily he's very understanding!
  • @Jonahdue505 not ANYTHING? My guy would kill me. He has to have something at least every other annoying
  • @mommytobe1 nope LOL. I've been so sick and cranky and sore..he stopped asking.
  • I wish mine would stop asking!
  • Due to complications im having my doctor said no sex till 19 weeks. She told us that when I was 7 weeks, im 10 weeks now. I gag constantly so I cant do oral. My poor hubby. I told him he just better get used to his hand.
  • Lol! I really dnt b n da mood for nothing but I give him sex every now n then so he won't b so miserable but he constantly ask for oral I hate it pregnant or not but I might give in he gotta have something! Lol do u think it's weird for him to give oral to me??? Lol neway um feeling good tonight it could b a good night fa him when he gets off! Lol
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