November babys

November baby updates? How much are they weighing, how tall are they? Are they sitting rolling over, ect? Anyones baby teething? & How are you mommy's and daddy's? Just wondering how everyone is.

Here is my baby..he is trying to sit up on his own, trying to roll (making the motions but cant roll his butt over lol) & he is teething has i think 2 little teeth coming in on the right bottom :) he weights 17 pounds! was (8.0 at birth) and is 24 or 25 inches now.. He is soo big loves his jumper talks a ton and chews on everything Oh and he was born Nov 10th, 2011 Any ideas for me to help him learn to roll over?




Sry ladies i had stoped to get the picture codes and hit submit without telling you all about my lo silly me!
@crisjoe @jnlelrod @cupcake22


  • My lo born 11/12/11 is 25 in, 13.13 lbs (left hospital at 6lbs 3oz). She rolls over all the time, favors her left side. She sits up and loves bending fwd to eat her toes. She loves her jumperoo and stands for 8 min with light support for balance. Holds her smaller bottle when eating, so cute. Drooling like crazy, teething? She's great tho. Yours?
  • edited March 2012
    My baby girl was born on 11/23 and she rolls over back to tummy...she's a wiggleworm lol! Grabs at toys or anything lol. She is very curious. Also, she watches baby einstein and loves it! She will be 4 months this friday so not sure of her weifht but when she went a few weeks ago for a sick visit she weighed 12 lbs 5.5 oz....ebf. No teeth yet but drooling bad and acts like she may be teething. She loves the saucer with a blanket around her. She sqeals and laughs...such a happy baby :) They grow up so fast. She is my 4th baby and last so I'm trying to soak up every minute :)
  • My baby boy was born 11/16 (was 7lb 7 oz) at 4 month appt he was 26 inch long and 14lbs 4 oz. He hasnt rolled over but is trying, mostly trying back to tummy, but ge can wiggle away a foot or two if left on the floor. He giggles all the time. Holds anything and it goes right in his mouth. Wants to be held up constantly to stand on hos feet. Recently got him a walker bit he still has about 4 inch til his little feet can reach the floor.
  • Lily was born 11/7 was 7lbs 6 oz 20 inches and she is now 14lbs 5oz 24.75 inches. She just started to roll over and wiggles her way to where she wants to be! She laughs all the time and absolutely loves her Daddy as soon as he walks in the room she wont take her eyes off of him its so cute! If she can reach it it will either be thrown or put in her mouth and most recent discovery is her feet she is obsessed!
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  • My lo was born 11-8. She weighed 6lbs 5oz at birth and 19 and a half inches long. She now weighs 13lbs even and 23 and a half inches long. She is rolling a little not a ton, she rather sit or stand. She just found her feet so she is constantly playing with them. She is getting teeth, I haven't figured out where they are coming in at. She is sleeping in her crib in her room all night long now. She talks and laughs all the time!
  • Aw! Such cute babies, Ladies! Edison was born 11/6/11 even though he was supposed to be an October baby. He has been rolling since 2.5 months, and would occasionally sit up on his own at 3 months. He's just now getting more consistent sitting up, and he can scoot from side to side, backwards, and in a circle on his tummy or back. He's been extending his legs to stand since only a couple weeks old, and it's still one of his favorite positions. He's almost 26 inches and 13.5 pounds (19 3/4 and 7lb 5 oz at birth). We're still exclusively breastfeeding, but I'm excited to introduce new foods to him very soon. He stares at us when we eat, and when I give him his probiotic on his baby spoon, he eats it so well! He's discovered his feet, touches everything, and thinks Mommy shaking her head from side to side is HYSTERICAL! He's babbling more now, and I'm so in love with his little face!
  • edited March 2012
    Taylor was born on 11/9/ day early! She weighed 7lbs 6oz and was 20.5 inches long! At 4mons she weighs 14lbs and is 26.5inches long! I gotta tall baby girl! She sits up on her own...drools ALOT!!...screams and laughs out loud..coo's...she's rolled over a few times, but she doesn't do it on the regular...she discovered her feet...she'd rather play with her toes then her toy(tooo cute)..she eats baby food now! Everything I eat she wants(greedy) lol..I believe she's teething but none have come in yet. I got her ear's pierced today!! she loves to play with my dog(Taylor thinks she's(storm) the funniest thing ever!!)...everything she grabs she puts it to her far as mommy and daddy...we aren't together anymore =(...but it's ok...I'm sooo blessed and grateful to have this lil girl in my life! I know i have more to learn(FTM)...but she's taught me alot so far! I never knew how much it took to love someone until I laid eyes on her! I love my lil tinky!!
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  • Damien was born on 11/8 at 9.8 pounds. He's now over 15. Has been rolling tummy to back for a while but just learned back to tummy today! :P he has two front bottom teeth (already through the skin), drools like there is no tomorrow. Loves watching our dog, his eyes follow the dog everywhere! LOL learning to pet the dog, he just started reaching for the dog last week. He mostly just grabs the hair Haha, but for the sake of the dog we're trying to teach him not to grab and pull. No idea how he does it but if I set him down on the floor and come back he has moved away or flipped around. Discovered his toes a couple weeks ago. And loves watching little Einsteins, Mickey mouse club, or any TV show with music and bright colors. Tries to stand and sit up on his own. Eats rice cereal but no other solids yet. Has s very sensitive tummy and lots of allergies.
  • @smcox that's too funny! Our lil girl does the same thing! She is obsessed with watching our dog. We have a lab and she already loves him lol!
  • @imanewmommy06 She is beautiful!!!
  • edited March 2012
    Makenzie Marie Born 11/27/11 she was 7.9 and 20.5in. Now she is 12 and 25in. She can roll from tummy to back and back to side. She almost is able to roll to her tummy. She is drooly but idk about teeth yet. Loves to play and is talking more laughs all the time. When she cries she says "maa" :-) I melt lol. When im holding her she pulls herself into a sitting position and does well while supported. she is 100% a mamas girl!

  • My lo was born 11/11/11 weighed 7lbs4oz & 20in at birth. He is now 20lbs (yeah I know) and 25.5 in. He is sitting up on his own, loves food, loves putting everything in his mouth including his feet, teethin very much so. Loves being in his exersaucer, would rather stand and try to walk rather than try to crawl, but has been scooting since 5 wks old. I love this lil boy with ALL my heart and soul.
  • Riley was born 01.11.11. He has one tooth (at bottom) and the one next to it should be making an appearance soon (then we can get some sleep again!). He eats twice a day and particularly loves carrots, sweetcorn, broccoli and bananas. He has rolled over twice but doesn't seem too bothered about it now and hasn't done it again! He enjoys being on his tummy and can spin himself around and pull himself along slightly. He is due to be weighed again on Tues but last month was 16lbs10oz and 56.5cm. He is in 6-9 month clothes. Love hearing about all the Nov babies!
  • Daya Krystine was born november 3, 2011 she was 7lbs 4oz and was 20.5 in she rolls both ways and can sit on her own. No teeth yet but is teething she like to play with our food wen we eat she said "ma" as her first word then about a week later she said "a pa" she is now 15lbs 6oz and is 26in long I cant believe how much she has grown in just 6 months I love her sooo much she really is a blessing to our family (:
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