November babys
November baby updates? How much are they weighing, how tall are they? Are they sitting rolling over, ect? Anyones baby teething? & How are you mommy's and daddy's? Just wondering how everyone is.
Here is my baby..he is trying to sit up on his own, trying to roll (making the motions but cant roll his butt over lol) & he is teething has i think 2 little teeth coming in on the right bottom he weights 17 pounds! was (8.0 at birth) and is 24 or 25 inches now.. He is soo big loves his jumper talks a ton and chews on everything Oh and he was born Nov 10th, 2011 Any ideas for me to help him learn to roll over?
Sry ladies i had stoped to get the picture codes and hit submit without telling you all about my lo silly me!
@crisjoe @jnlelrod @cupcake22
Here is my baby..he is trying to sit up on his own, trying to roll (making the motions but cant roll his butt over lol) & he is teething has i think 2 little teeth coming in on the right bottom he weights 17 pounds! was (8.0 at birth) and is 24 or 25 inches now.. He is soo big loves his jumper talks a ton and chews on everything Oh and he was born Nov 10th, 2011 Any ideas for me to help him learn to roll over?
Sry ladies i had stoped to get the picture codes and hit submit without telling you all about my lo silly me!
@crisjoe @jnlelrod @cupcake22