pregnant after 2 miscariages

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I just found out I'm pregnant after a missed miscarriage in 08 and another miscarriage in 09. I really want to be took a year to get pregnant, but I am very very afraid. Anyone else been here and know how to handle the stress and the mixed emotions? My husband said he will be excited only when he holds our baby, he doesn't want to get his hopes up only to feel awful again in a month.


  • i haven't gotten pregnant again after my mc in nov, but i know what you mean and how you feel. just know that you have support! its ok to be scared, but be open to the experience as well!! :) GOOD LUCK AND CONGRATS
  • Oh my gosh! It is crazy how similar our stories are. I had a miscarriage in October of 2008 & a second one in April of 2009. My bf broke up with me & left in early 2010, but then I met my current bf in May. I'm now 23 weeks pregnant to him and I know exactly the fears, anxiety, stresses, & doubts you're suffering. I'm past the stage where a loss is still considered a m/c, now it's premature I worry about that. I worry if she's healthy & developing normal, even though I feel her move daily. I also worry she'll be still-born. During the first 20 weeks, I checked for blood EVERY single time I peed. It's not easy hun, and those of us who have suffered m/c never enjoy our pregnancies the way other women often do. Just take things one day at a time, & send ALL the love & positive vibes you can to your baby. I've never made it this far in a pregnancy, & I'll never forget that 5 month ultrasound...seeing her moving, seeing the four chambers of her heart, learning she was a girl. What a blessing!! I pray it works out this time for you, too. My bf says "the third time is the charm" & that I'm carrying Camilla full-term, despite all the health issues & risks. Sending my love for a full-term, healthy baby your way. Best of luck!!
  • Hi i know how you feel iv had 3 mc and now im 5w 6d all i do is try not to worry but i cant help it everytime i go loo im checking for blood.but this time this 1 feels different tho. So im hoping and praying this 1 will b ok. Good luck and congratulations x
  • Wow its amazing hoe many of us have thus problem... I had my first miscarriage in Jan 2008 and my 2nd in Oct 2009 and that's how long it took to get prego... left my ex in Jan2010 then in Feb 2010 I met my fiancee and in April we decided to try to have a child it took until Nov to conceive... I'm now 18 weeks and worry every day something is wrong... o haven't felt it move yet so I'm even more anxious and nervous and so many other things... I'm finally starting to attach myself to this pregnancy but still am very worried that today is gonna be the day it ends.. but good luck... I dont think you ever truly stop worrying
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