I'm 19, turning 20 in july. I'm married and pregnant with baby #1. I'm having a baby boy and I'm 3 days shy of being 23 weeks prego. Due the 24 of june
Well im older but im still gonna comment im 26yrs old im 19 weeks pregnant due late july this is (drum roll please lol) baby #5 I have a 9yr old girl 7yr old boy 5yr old boy and 2 going on 3yr old beautiful baby girl im super excited like it was my first congrats ladies on your blessing's :X
I'm 18 and 35 weeks and this is My first baby. Baby daddy is 21 and has been there through every thing and is super excited. He loves the u/s. He has another baby from a bad relationship and doesn't get to see her ever so he does everything to be with this one. Sorry its long....
I'm 18 weeks today.