What exactly is it???? tmi

I'm 38 weeks tomorrow and for the past couple of days I've noticed that when I wipe there is a snotty kind of Goo..sometimes there is a good bit and sometimes hardly none at all. I've also noticed small white chunks here and there. I never experienced this with my other pregnancies.....is this the mucous plug that I hear everyone talking about? The closest thing I had previously was a bloody show with #3 and I ended up in full blown labor 4 hours later..... My OB hasn't checked me yet, he is supposed to tomorrow.

Ugh, I'm hopeful that maybe she is coming soon because I'm miserable.


  • Mucus plug is what it is. Good luck tomorrow
  • Oh thanks.....ugh I'm hoping to have some type of good news....lol...I'm just grumpy and irritable.
  • The mucus plug is HUGE. You'll know it when you see it. It sounds like what you've been seeing so far is just bits and pieces of it. Perhaps you are dilating a bit and some of it is starting to come out. It doesn't always come out all at once. Good luck tomorrow! Hopefully you're making some progress already.
  • My mucus plug came out like you are describing. Mine was bit by bit over the last few weeks of pregnancy.
  • Is this good or bad happening at 28 weeks
  • edited March 2011
    Mine started early, but I would talk to youre doc. Its different for everyone
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