breaking out!!!! ugh

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So I'm 13 weeks along and breaking out so bad on my chest and back!!! I don't know what to do?!? I've tried benz peroxide and its not working! What do I do?!? Any tips? Ugh....hormones!!!


  • Tips?? Anyone??
  • Im 24 weeks pregnant and have horribllleee acne too. On my face back and chest. I've had acne since I was in 6th grade and now im a jr in high school but it was neveerrr this bad. I hate it so much! Im using a clean and clear product it's silver and purple and has 5% benzol peroxide in it. I switch it up a bit with the stuff called acnefree and it has 2.5% benzol peroxide in it. I switch it up because my face gets used to things if I use them for too long. I've been using these two things for about 2 weeks now and they seem to be working pretty good.
  • I am about 8 or 9 weeks...who knows anymore lol, but it seems like every couple of hours a new zit pops up on my face! Yuck....
  • It's so sickening. I've never had even moderate acne before. Just the occasional pimple now and then, but now I'm full of little spots. Plus my skin if so dry my coverup gets all flaky. Blahhhh. It's hard adjusting to problems I've never had before. ><
  • I had the same problem but now its cleared up. I used a combination of lemon juice for a while which takes down the swelling and redness. The following week I used Apple cider vinegar with the 'mother'in it from the health food store. It has to be that kind . That helped kill the bacteria as well as keep new from starting. Now that I'm clear I just wash with cetaphil face wash from CVS hope that helps
  • I'm breaking out but not bad...its annoying and I think I've given up on it though. I hardly wear makeup. In the last 5 months I've worn makeup maybe a total of four times. :(
  • I give up. I get my face somewhat clear then have another freakin explosion again. I hate it. Its like im still having those week b4 my period breakouts even tho im not having a period.
  • I just figure I'm not trying to impress anyone so...why bother? But I can understand the before period break out thing lol
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