Synthetic Marijuana



  • @Everyone I would just like to say, my parents never spoke to me about drugs. And I don't do them. They did, however, smoke around me, and I smoke. Fucked up thing, as soon as I moved out (I was the baby) they quit smoking. Life's a bitch, no matter how we look at it! LOL.
  • @Mom2ING I was talking about the "teaching them with other tactics" Me: Like spankings?! Jeebus. You really are touchy. I'll just leave ya be until you sort whatever the hell it is out that's causing your mood swings! Seriously, everything doesn't need a defensive reaction. I wont tag you, and I hope you don't tag me until this whole stress thing of yours is GONE.
  • Weed can be more harmful than people may think...just Google marijuana induced psychosis! Scary stuff!
  • I hope my children never become curious and try it or any drugs
  • I used to smoke weed and I must politely disagree. It is not a gateway drug. That old scare tactic is beyond silly. The only thing it leads to is snacking and sleeping. Is it a healthy or productive lifestyle? No, it isn't, but it certainly isn't destructive. I guarantee more people who use heroin smoke cigarettes rather than smoke weed. That being said, as per the original post, it surprises me that this synthetic marijuana is legal. It has been proven that is dangerous and can be deadly. Criminalize that poison!
  • @drgonzo523 Poison indeed! I hate what children are exposed to. There's a reason it has that do not consume warning. :(
  • @mom2ing yes I guess so lol
  • @drgonzo523 I think for the majority it is not a gateway drug, but for some I do believe it applies. I'm pretty sure most hard core drug users have started with weed use, whether they smoke it after moving to the next drug of choice is irrelevant...but I hear where you're coming from, weed is surely one of the less harmful drugs out there! Alcohol is way worse in my book! However growing up with alcoholic parents, I may be biased.
  • @fate I agree, there are so many harmful things within arms reach of adolescents, it's mind boggling :-? If only we lived in a bubble lol...just kidding!
  • @summergirl22 I agree. I am sure serious drug users most likely smoked weed at some point while abusing other drugs. I do not believe, however, that marijuana was the reason they began using those harder drugs. And I also agree about alcohol. Way more dangerous than marijuana.
  • @drgonzo523 well I can see both sides, I can see how smoking weed will never lead to other drugs but for some I can see how it could for ex. Different depends on the person and their addictive personalities
  • My bf tried it, and freaked out, thought he was going to have a heart attack, and spent the night in the ER.. he says he doesn't remember what happened or how he got there. Deff nothing to be messing with! I prefer to smoke the real thing ;)
  • When I was a teenager I smoked weed just to clarify. I do not now and while I had some fun times then I regret trying it.
  • @EricaK22 That must have been terrifying!
  • Me and the hubby were watching videos in YouTube about people who have smoked the stuff and it shows how badly these people freak out its awful, they don't even remember what the hell just happened. I wouldn't dare try it. I heard its nothing like the real stuff.
  • edited May 2012
    @fate I saw a crazy thing at the gas station a few weeks ago...they had these brownies individually wrapped at the register called hemp something the wrapper had the marijuana leaf on it and all. The sign said must be 18 to buy..I laughed and asked "how it's this legal?" And he tells me because there's nothing in unreal! Smh lol
  • Sorry to get off topic..I haven't known anyone who's tried spice but I do know it was taken off shelves over here sometime last year. If I remember correctly, parents of teens were complaining...I can't say I blame them! It's only a matter of time before it becomes banned in the US
  • i dont know about synthetic marijuana but my mum was a big pothead when i was young and guess what, all four kids, me included have smoked weed. i can see where some people say its not a gateway drug, but it definitely has been in our family. the associations you make through the people you buy from can so easily lead to more harmful drugs. both my brothers have now got major drug habits through my mothers liberal attitude towards marijuana, and i honestly dont believe they would be where they are today had my mum been more anti drugs. i havent smoked weed for about 6 years and im so glad i was able to stop. i will NEVER say its ok for my kids to do it, and in my case, i never smoked in front of my mum, even though she said thats what shed prefer me to do. who wants to get high with your mum?! So in my case, the whole, 'its safer at home, under parental supervision thing was a joke, my mum never knew i used weed until after i left home and thats how i wanted it. i will come down like a ton of bricks on my kids if and when they want to try weed because i personally know where that leads and its not a good road.
  • @fate it was! I was 30 Weeks with our son. The police & ambulance came to take him to the ER. They even had to handcuff him he was freaking out so bad! I was so pissed, but happy nothing happened to him
  • If you smoke weed for a while u get too use to the high and go trying other drugs looking for a more intense high and then more n more u get into harder drugs that's how it's a gateway drug
  • @mackenzies_mama2010 yes that does happen to some people...definitely not everyone. I think there's more gateway friends lol...hanging with the wrong people is ultimately the worst chance for getting into drugs
  • no i would not try it and i would NEVER let my teenager try it!!!!
  • edited May 2012
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  • My parents educated me about drugs...told me their mistakes and how terrible drugs are. They showed me what drugs can do to a persons life. They taught me to respect myself and my body and to not throw it away on getting high! Also I knew they would kill me....I respected them and myself. I have never gotten high and peer pressure wouldn't have gotten me to either...thank God my parents taught me to be my own person. I could've cared less what other ppl thought of me. This is what I want to teach my kids. I will never buy drugs for my kids!
  • I would say no to synthetic but I'm more relaxed with the real deal. I'm not anti marijuana. I feel like just like most things, of used responsibly, its not that bad. I don't find it addictive, I've never needed a better high and I've never been tempted to do other drugs. However, I didn't smoke pot until I started smoking cigs. If you ask me, cigarettes are the gateway drug,not pot. And I've got to say, I've known lots of people who smoke pot and cigarettes but not many who just smoke pot.

    Just my two cents.
  • I used to smoke a ton of weed, but that fake shit made me freak out. I never had a similar experience while smoking weed. It was awful. Where I live, the "big thing" are the damn bath salts. So many people losing their minds on that shit, even though its been banned. To me, the synthetic drugs are way worse than the real deal. Ive never thought I was dying from smoking weed, but spice freaked me out. Ive never seen anyone die from doing coke (i know it happens, so I dont need examples lol) but ive seen people literally go insane from bath salts and dig open their skin. Anyway, my point is just that the so called legal drugs have done more damage than the "real" ones, in my experience. I hope my children never go down the drug road :(
  • Heard 2 people died from smoking it. No thanks. Ill take the regular,real.
  • edited May 2012
    My fiancee smokes it. I've tried different kinds of it before . It doesn't do anything for me...I prefer alcohol because its legal, fun and it doesn't stay in your system as long as pot. The synthetic shit is illegal here in jersey. It's really hard to get it now because everyone is afraid to sell it. My fiancee smokes it because he is on probation at the moment. I don't approve of it because we have a child now and that shits dangerous. He continues to smoke it because he's a retard LOL
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