3rd times a charm??

edited March 2011 in November 2011
This is my third pregnancy. My first two ended very early, first one around 6 weeks and the 2nd around 8. I am very nervous but trying not to stress. Im 4 weeks and 6 days. My first appt. Is Thursday I will be 5 weeks and 1 day. Can they see what is going on? Does anyone know what my doctor might possibly tell me as far as what I can't do? I am 23. Both of my miscarriages happened when I was 21. Thank you


  • Did they ever do any testing to see.what your hormone levels were
  • Yes with both MC they did. Both times they were dropping.
  • The first time I had a natural MC is what you call it. The second time I had a d&c
  • Maybe the dr will put you on progesterone. I heard that helps sometimes when a woman has multiple miscarriages. Im sorry you have to go through this. I had a miscarriage back in June 2010 and it was really tough so I can't imagine having.more.than one. Just stay strong and.keep the faith that it will work out. Don't give up
  • I had a m/c in Sept 2010, I'm now 13 weeks with this one. My doctor started me on progesterone at my first visit at 5 weeks. I've been nervous this entire pregnancy and am now just starting to ease up. I just took it really easy, no exercise. Good luck to you!
  • Thank you guys very much, I will ask him about it Thursday.
  • Hi, I know exactly how youre feeling... But there is always hope. Im 24 & had two back to back miscarriages since march 2010. I felt pretty hopeless. I got pregnant again and am now 16 weeks and 2 days with no complication. My dr did have me on progestrone until 12-13 weeks. I would deffinatly ask your dr about it. I got to hear babys heartbeat today for the first time with a fetal doppler. Just know there is always hope :) I still worry everyday... But stay positive :) if its meant to be, it will be. Good luck!
  • Thank you so much. It really is nerve racking. I will ask him for progesterone. Did you do any testing on why you m/c? Is there a particular reason he puts you on progesterone or is it just for women who have m/c?
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