sil is in the hospital 39weeks

My sil is in the hospital, she went in last night because the baby hadn't move in 12 hours. For the past 3days there has been very little movement. They admitted her, they said his heartbeat is fine. They ran some kind of test at 9am and said they will do them again at 12pm if the results are the same they will induce. She is not in labor, not dialated, not effaced. Does anyone know what could be going on? No one is saying much and we are really worried. In my experience they have checked the heartbeat and sent me home.


  • The test they ran this morning and will be running again were bpp. The babys lungs are not exercising, but they want to induce... I don't understand. Anyone?
  • Im not sure but i'll bump for you
  • I don't know but I'm praying!!!
  • Bump & prayers...
  • Sometimes if there's not enough fluid in there the baby cant move as well as it usually does....but ive never heard of the baby's lungs not working like they should in there in that late of a term pregnancy
  • I was induced because of his lack of movement. I had a bpp done b and they induced even though they said everything was okay. They were worried about the cord being around his neck. If it helps my son is now 10 months old and is healthy as can be. I will be posting for your sil and the baby. Please keep me updated.
  • Thank you ladies, she is just now letting everyone cone to the hospital so ill update when I can. They are talking c section. Sorry I can't tag I'm in a hurry to get my daughter to the sitter and then to the hospital.
  • Hope there both ok! Please please update!! Prayers
  • It's a malpractice thing. My first was induced for this. They said they had to offer it because I was full term and if they sent me home and something happened, they could be liable.
  • ^^^ exactly what they told me
  • edited May 2012
    @isaiascruzjuly11 @captivated
    They sent her home.
  • I'm going to pray for her and baby. I hope everything turns out good
  • @isaiascruzjuly11 thank you, it is just so confusing. One min they said we are inducing/ c section and then came back 15 mins later and sent her home.
  • Yes that has me confused as well. Did they say anything about her tests? if she feels odd or worried tell her don't hesitate to go back to the hospital. Better to be safe than sorry. I know how scary it is.
  • @isaiascruzjuly11 they said that everything came back fine. So I don't know. She is feeling him move again, he is just not very active. I'm sure she won't hesitate to go back. She didn't want them to send her home. Lol
  • Lol I bet. Im sure v she c is moor than ready v to have her baby in her arms
  • @isaiascruzjuly11 She sure is! She has another week until her dd. She isn't dilated or effaced but her cervix is soft so I'm hoping it'll happen soon!!
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