IM 22 engaged n mi fiance is 29..both no kids..I've never been prego n he's never gotten a girl so idk who to say is the reason bt we both have been testd b r ok.. I use ovulation methods..but dnt tend to get wet on mi own.tmi.LOL even when I do I dry up fast. Could this b the reason also mi bd smokes.drinks coffee n masturbate a lot tho we have sex. :-t mayb its all that idk but we want kids soon plz pray for us. [..] best wishes to all.
Be careful on what lubes you use. KY is okay I think but make sure to read because some of them actually kill the little men so aren't conducive for TTC. Preseed works well. You have to stick it up there a few minutes before you get started and it mimics your natural fluids.
Also, I spent hours propped up on pillows, sometimes even all night. So go to the restroom before you get started and grab a book. I'm 11 weeks with #2. It took one month of trying the 1st time and 2 months with this one. Good luck!